Re: Summer Contest: Sight & Sound
Hey Sméagol, we had to re-upload (4th try's the charm
) our video on YT due to technical difficulties (i.e. the scene flicker and rig showing during flight). I kept the link that I sent the judges unlisted, but we released the newer version on the channel. For the judging, will they look at the old version or the newer?
Sorry for the confusion.. (Re-uploading YouTube videos at 3:30 am does that to you)
EDIT; No changes were made to the video at all.. one was uploaded at 5 mbps and the other at 32 mbps, other than that, the videos are identical.
Not sure I understand how the bitrate made scene flicker or a rig visible if I'm reading you right.
The intention in the contest rules is that whatever was submitted in time is what the judges are to judge from. You're not really supposed to publicly post alternate versions until after judging is over, either.