Re: The Animation Challenge

N0odleBrick wrote:

So, since I won I am suposed to pick a theme. When am I suposed to choose the new theme? Am supose to wait for Nathan wells to post something telling me to pick the new theme? Or am I just suposed to do it, starting the new animation challenge?

You just post the new theme, you don't have to wait for Nathan.

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: The Animation Challenge

Ok cool, The new theme is Reflections. This is supposed to be a very broad topic open for interpretation. At the most basic, just animate your figure walking by a mirror or water or basically anything that has a reflection.

The dead line is April 27

Last edited by soupmanjack (April 21, 2015 (08:38pm))

Re: The Animation Challenge

Nathan Wells wrote:
Cooked Cat wrote:

are we limiting this to JUST lego? or like for instance, if we want a challenge based on making CGI/stock footage fit in with this, would it count? or no?

Nathan Wells wrote:

The theme should be challenging (so no basic walk cycles) but also possible to make in stop-motion by a typical brickfilmer (no battle scenes with 50 figures)..

Bolded for emphasis. This thread is intended to improve stop-motion skills.

ok, but like could we ever see a theme that is making the stopmotion world and Stock expolsion say, fit best, say like the enviroment reacting?

Re: The Animation Challenge

Cooked cat I don't understand.

Re: The Animation Challenge

ok, what I am saying is, would a theme: "Incorperating digital assets into the enviroment" be allowed, having a simple explosion but meaning that the world would have to be effected by that?

Re: The Animation Challenge

Cooked Cat wrote:

ok, what I am saying is, would a theme: "Incorperating digital assets into the enviroment" be allowed, having a simple explosion but meaning that the world would have to be effected by that?

Not everyone animator has the resources to imply digital effects into a short (including me) so I would say that isn't an exception to Nathan Wells' statement.

Remember this is for animation only and not anything else; CGI, special effects, sound effects, etc.

"Bless you for making this." -Sloth 2016 * on "Chicken Shaped Lighthouse Attacks Police"
Ephesians 4:29 -"Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers."

Re: The Animation Challenge

I know, but what I am getting at, is rather the relationship between both, for instance, if I was just to put a stock explosion onto footage, it would look fake, but if I animate the world to react to it.... it would look better, I think that is a important part of VFXing too....

Re: The Animation Challenge

Cat, I see what you're thinking, and it's not necessarily a bad idea*, but the core word of this thread is animation.
The goal is the animate everything in-camera, to help stretch the skills and abilities of the participants. It's also designed so that anyone can enter, even if it's only with a handful of bricks.

Some of the challenges require a bit more in terms of bricks/resources, but as the rules say:

but also possible to make in stop-motion by a typical brickfilmer

Typical brickfilmers can do the animation, but few have the digital programs and/or knowledge to work with CGI.

It's an idea, and Nathan would certainly be the final authority, but for now I'd say no.
This is about using in-camera and animation techniques to achieve the desired look, and CGI enhancements/additions, while not explicitly outlawed, are at least partially against the basic premise of the thread.

*In fact, the main reason a lot of VFX look poor in brickfilms is because they don't understand the proper relationship, and there's nothing in-camera to support the digital additions. So it's very important, and a needed skill, but perhaps not something for this thread.

Re: The Animation Challenge

This thread in particular is focused on stop-motion animation. If these is enough interest, a separate thread about integrating CGI or other digital effects into stop-motion footage might be reasonable, but it's not suitable for this thread.

Just to make sure it isn't lost in the discussion, the new theme, chosen by N0odleBrick, is:

Reflections. This is supposed to be a very broad topic open for interpretation. At the most basic, just animate your figure walking by a mirror or water or basically anything that has a reflection.

The dead line is April 27

Re: The Animation Challenge

Here is my entry Mr. N0odlebrick

-RandomBoaz    YouTube

Re: The Animation Challenge

Here's my (not-so-good) entry.

"Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." - 1 Corinthians 10:31b

Re: The Animation Challenge

The winner is... RamdomBoaz. I like pure lego feel of your animation. The animation was a little choppy but the concept of it was amazingly well done.

- Rioforce your entry was very well animated but lacked the brick built feel I was looking for.

Last edited by soupmanjack (April 28, 2015 (10:52am))

Re: The Animation Challenge

Alright, I guess it's time for me to pick a new theme. And the new theme is... Falling Apart
I expect it to be similar to the lego videogames. And try to get the plasticy feel of the lego body parts hitting the ground.


Last edited by Randomboaz (May 2, 2015 (02:38pm))

-RandomBoaz    YouTube

Re: The Animation Challenge

Instead of having a minifigures fall apart could it be like a car or machine that falls apart?

Re: The Animation Challenge

N0odleBrick wrote:

Instead of having a minifigures fall apart could it be like a car or machine that falls apart?

I'm looking for minifigs falling apart. You can animate a car falling apart if you want though.

-RandomBoaz    YouTube

Re: The Animation Challenge

So... What do I do if there's no entries? mini/blankexpression

-RandomBoaz    YouTube

Re: The Animation Challenge

You can extend the deadline or start a new theme.

Re: The Animation Challenge

do we have a deadline?

Re: The Animation Challenge

It's probably best to pick a new theme.

Re: The Animation Challenge

na, give us a bit of time. I'll go animate this now.....