funmiproductions wrote:Justice League
This was a good time at the movies. Not perfect, but not a disaster like critics has led you to believe.
Too bad it seems that Justice League will end up being a disaster in the box office, unless Thanksgiving weekend can reel in the big crowds...
funmiproductions wrote:All the members of the league, especially Affleck, Gadot, and Miller were great.
I don't want to hate on Ezra Miller's performance, as I feel that his character's issues were mostly the writing team's fault, however, I wasn't a fan of his flash. (And I'm not a big fan of the CW shows, either.) Was kinda bummed that they threw every nerd/weakling cliche at him in the film. But that can mostly be overlooked, as his scenes are short.
funmiproductions wrote:A lot of easter eggs, with the 2 post-credits scenes blowing my mind.
I will never stay for a post credits sequence, and am glad that I was able to bolt out of the theater before the second one. It's just personal preference. Although I did catch the "during credits" sequence, which was a great little addition to the film.
funmiproductions wrote:Joss Whedon's witty dialogue is easily seen here.
That's the only thing that I didn't like about the film, to be honest. I don't get the appeal of Joss Whedon, and have personally never been able to get into any of his prior work... I hate that Marvel/Disney cocky character writing that tries to be witty, but ultimately is just one step above fart jokes. Poe Dameron, Starlord, Iron Man, Affleck's Batman, etc... never really connect with me, apart from the latter case.
The modern style of writing seen in blockbusters just seems rather lazy, IMO, and is the major reason as to why I don't go to the cinema anymore, apart from classic film exhibitions (which my theater does a lot) and the occasional film I hope I have even the slightest chance to enjoy. Apart from said classic film re-releases, I'm only seeing 4 films this year: The LEGO Batman Movie, PotC: Dead Men Tell No Tales, Justice League, and Star Wars... Compare that to 2008, where I would regularly go to the theater almost every weekend to see a new picture.
I do share your opinions on the film's overall quality though, funmi. I can put my small gripes with it behind (and honestly think that Justice League IS a step in the right direction for Hollywood), and truly recommend it.