Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Man of Steel

This is a great film, though it's not without its flaws. First and foremost it is a Zack Snyder film and not a Christopher Nolan film, so if you're expecting the full Dark Knight treatment, you'll be disappointed (also Snyder haters are unlikely to be converted here). That being said, you can clearly see where Nolan's had his input, which certainly grounds the film in some sort of reality, but you can also see where Snyder's been...well...Snyder (See: 300). There were a hell of a lot of crash zooms, often more than once in a shot, and did seem overused. There was also heavy use of hand-held/shaky cam, which actually worked for the most part, but there were some shots that could have really benefited from a steady-cam. As for the actual story; it was clunky at times, but never boring, and felt a lot better structured than Superman Returns. The main flaws, in my opinion, came from plot holes, which did somewhat detract from the experience, but not enough to for me to dislike it. The cast all did a great job, particularly Henry Cavill, who definitely made the role of super-serious-superman his own, while staying true to the source. Overall a solid film, not quite on par with Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy, but definitely worth seeing. 4/5
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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

the mockery film Jack The Giant Killer.  it was made by  Asylum  studios(I think can't remember.)  Anyways, the story itself was ok, could have been better, the acting was not very good, the bad actors from the new Disney channel are better then some of these actors. You could see the monsters were fake, they looked like monsters from a video game that had a low budget.  the only good part about the film( in my opinion)  was when Jack and his father where up above the earth in the land of clouds.  all in all, it was an alright film. 3/5.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Just Kidden wrote:

Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front

So yeah, if for some reason you're ever forced to watch any American Girl movie for some reason, try to watch this one. It's the most tolerable and enjoyable.

I actually saw Kit Kitteredge once. But, that was when I was young and dumb and I thought Bob the Builder was cool.

La Vita e Bella (Life is Beautiful) (1998)

My first foreign film so far (not counting the foreign brickfilms I've watched). I watched the film in Italian--the English dubbing of the film was horrible--with English subtitles; I can speak a little Italian, but not in full sentences.

Roberto Benigni is a brilliant actor--in fact, he won an Oscar for this film, if you didn't know. He plays Guido, a Jew who dreams of opening his own bookstore. His real-life wife, Niccoletta Braschi, plays Dora, the love of Guido's life. Benigni also directed the film, and wrote the screenplay with Vincenzo Cerami, and I loved their story. Every lovely minute of the film contains a mix of drama and comedy, just the right amount of both. This real-life fairy-tale, set during World War II, was nominated for seven Academy Awards, and won three.

I loved La Vita e Bella. I loved it.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Greetings my friends,

Yesterday, I finally saw what Clark did...

I will not compare Man Of Steel with the Richard Donner's version.

The first Superman movie was good in its own way. But this time, the
way is different, because this is the Zack Synder's version. You just
have to understand it. This is not a remake, for god's sake!

Do not expect to see Kal-El saving a cat stuck in a tree. This is a
more serious event. An emotional, philosophical, stylish and
action-packed film (Although I laughed a few times).

In the real world, the life of a super-powered alien would probably not
be always happy.

''What if a child dreamed of becoming something other than what society
had intended? What if a child aspired to something greater?''

The dialogues are well written and works perfectly with the well-chosen
cast. The plot on Krypton was really interesting, and was magnified by
the beautiful cinematography, music and special-effects.

The only con is that the second half of the movie was maybe too focused
on the action, but the fights were impressive and the film ended on a
good note.

Overall, it is not as good as the The Dark Knight trilogy, but I must
applaud the cast & crew, because this is, in my opinion, an almost
perfect reboot for a comic-book character like Superman. Create a film
based on that type of ''god-like'' character is not an easy thing.

I hope the sequel will be less based on the action and more focused on
the story. I'm waiting for it.

In the end, I give it a strong 8 out of 10.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

42 (2013)

A great, inspiring film that really documents and details the life of African-American ballplayer Jackie Robinson. Though riddled and laden with inaccuracies, 42 is a fabulous film. And, I really liked it.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Man of Steel

A decent film. Visually, it was outstanding. The special effects were extremely well done and the cinematography was excellent. And Hans Zimmer did a fantastic job with the soundtrack (as usual). My problems with this film were scenes that drug on waaaaay too long (mostly action scenes) and could've ended sooner without the film being affected. Also, nothing was really memorable about this film. Yeah, it was entertaining, but nothing exactly stood out in it. I could've seen this film going way beyond what it put out. But it was a good film nonetheless.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Chris W. wrote:

Also, nothing was really memorable about this film.

You have a point, but I thought the soundtrack was really memorable.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Loïc F-B wrote:
Chris W. wrote:

Also, nothing was really memorable about this film.

You have a point, but I thought the soundtrack was really memorable.

I meant nothing story-wise, but yeah, the soundtrack was memorable.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Chris W. wrote:
Loïc F-B wrote:
Chris W. wrote:

Also, nothing was really memorable about this film.

You have a point, but I thought the soundtrack was really memorable.

I meant nothing story-wise, but yeah, the soundtrack was memorable.

Anyway, the music is almost as important as the visuals.

Just think about Jaws without music!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2

This was utterly fabulous. I enjoyed the first one a little better than than the second one, mostly because of the House of Blue Leaves showdown; particularly the part where the lights are turned off, I loved the look of the Bride's and the Crazy 88's shadows fighting in front of the blue light, that was just beautiful. The acting was great of course, and the twists were some of the best. And the beginning fight scene of volume one was just perfectly done.

Last edited by Tobias (June 18, 2013 (08:49pm))

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Man of Steel had a funny shape to it in terms of plotting. Very sort of uneven, it was the most awkwardly put together tentpole movie I've seen since the first Hobbit film last year. Lots of cool ideas, I mostly loved the visual direction of it other than the absurd amounts of destruction.

I think Hans Zimmer is hit-and-miss, but I do like most of his work. I didn't like the score for this film, however; it felt like self-parody and pretty much encapsulated everything a lot of folks don't like about Hans Zimmer, IMO.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

You've Got Mail (1998)

Let's get one thing straight. I don't like romantic comedies. I just like Tom Hanks. Anywho, it was a good little film, and I liked how the events played out in the end.


Monsters University (2013)*

Pixar has kind of had a dry spell lately. They haven't really released anything good since Up in 2009. So I kinda grew up with Monsters Inc., being just a tot when the film was released. Then, having to wait nearly a whole year before the film was released on VHS--holy cow, I feel so old. mini/lol It was like my favorite film at the time; one of the only films that I liked when I was little, I grew up with it, and I still like it today, as a teenager (I was just a silly little kid back then, and I thought Thomas and the Magic Railroad (2000) was "awesome").

Anyways, I'm gonna start the review now, and go no further off-topic. This film was arguably good, and it was a blast for me to see some of the funniest animated characters ever return to the silver screen. I loved MU, and I would love to be a student there. mini/bigsmile


*The Blue Umbrella (2013)

This is the short film that came with Monsters University, and I loved this little short! It was interesting, and the animation seemed real...and kind of unlike Pixar. Hmm... mini/blankexpression But, it was good, yeah; and the storyline seemed similar to Paperman*. Like how Character A is pushed towards Character B, and the two are together.


*Winner of Best Animated Short, at the 85th Academy Awards, 2013

Last edited by Mickey (June 21, 2013 (08:16pm))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Man of Steel
First off, I'm more of a Marvel (and sometimes Batman) guy so I haven't seen any of the other Superman films, nor do I know of his origin from the comics.  So without any preconceived notions about this story...

I liked it quite a bit.  This seems darker than the Superman I do know of, but that's to be expected.  I really liked the story, though parts of it seemed to be too drawn out.  The action scenes were epic, even though they seemed a little long. 

The acting was good, I enjoy Russell Crowe much more when he's not singing (*ahem* LesMis *ahem*) and Henry Cavill was great.
So yeah, overall I liked it. 


The Dark Knight Rises
This was awesome.  I know some people really didn't like it, but it was pretty much perfect.  There were some parts that were totally skipped over, like what the heck was going on while Bruce was in that pit all that time mini/madhead

Catwoman is an interesting character, I like this version of her.  Bane was ruthless, which is excellent.  I really like how Blake turned out, that was a great ending.  Speaking of the ending, they did great with tying up all the loose ends during that sequence.   

Cinematography was excellent, acting was superb, and the story was interesting (save for the plot holes).


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

My Little Pony: Equestria Girls

I came two hours to see this movie with a friend.  He had very low hopes, but he decided to watch it anyway.  At the theater, there was another brony named Tony, to whom I talked for a little bit, along with another brony, a pegasister, and several families with little girls.
My friend, despite having low hopes, thoroughly enjoyed it, as did I.  It was really funny, with several good songs as well. Albeit a tad cliche in some aspects.  It's kinda like just a really big episode of MLP.
Scootaloo should have spoken more, though.

I'm really glad I got to see it in theaters.
Make sure you stay for the credits if you see it.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I'm just wondering, though; I thought Equestria Girls would be a straight-to-DVD/RedBox release. I didn't know it was going to cinemas.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Bling Ring (2013)
Great look at the desire to be rich and famous. Emma Watson was great as Nicki and Leslie Mann was hilarious, and completely spot-on as her real life counterpart. Katie Chang though, stole each scene she was in with a brilliant performance (and it was only her first film). Editing and pacing bugged me though, the first act going by very quickly without examining the relationship between Marc and Rebecca to the depth I would've preferred. By the time they became friends, it was nearly right after that they were checking for unlocked cars. One decision cut very soon to another. Also, each shot felt so short that you really couldn't appreciate it. There wasn't a bad performance in this film, the entire cast did provide a lot of humor without making their characters into a parody. Overall, this is my favorite film of 2013 so far.

Rating: 4/5

if you guys are interested in a more in-depth review of my thoughts on the film, check them out here.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mickey wrote:

I'm just wondering, though; I thought Equestria Girls would be a straight-to-DVD/RedBox release. I didn't know it was going to cinemas.

Its theatrical release is quite limited. Only 200 theaters in America are showing it.
I had to go two hours to see it since there wasn't another near me.  And I had to wait almost a week after its release date because none of the theaters in my state were showing it earlier.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Man of Steel
I liked it? I guess? I don't know whatever it was alright

Monsters University

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Truman Show (1998)

A really creative premise, and good performances from Jim Carrey and Ed Harris. The only thing that kinda ticked me off was the ending. I would have liked to see

Spoiler (click to read)

Lauren/Sylvia reunite with Truman

, but other than that, I liked this film.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

LEGO Batman: DC Heroes
All I can say is: wow. They did a great job extending the video game cutscenes. They had good voice actors in it. It was a nice, well made movie.

uh oh!