Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

Watched this in history class (obviously without administrative approval). Absolutely hilarious movie, especially because it's my type of humor; the sort of dry humor that has a certain sort of charm to it. Sadly, barely anyone else liked it. There were times when a comical, planned out joke occurred...and I was the only one laughing. And then when one character says a curse word, the entire class busts out in laughter.

It's truly a shame how society's view of comedy has fallen.

But a great film nonetheless.


The Box (2009)

Fairly decent movie. The basic plot of it was great, but then it strays too far off into some weird supernatural stuff that you won't really care about. The acting and special effects were decent, but it's the stumbling plot that cripples this movie. The insane ending does slightly make up for it the split-second you realize "IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW WHAAAAAT".


Star Trek: Into Darkness

I've only recently delved into the Star Trek franchise, and I haven't seen many of the original movies or the series, but I thought I'd go see this movie. I have to say, it was an extremely well-made movie. As for it fitting in for the rest for the series, I can't say cause I haven't seen them yet (except for Wrath of Khan, so I managed to get the references that were made). But I have to agree with Max on the ending. To me, it wasn't what happened, but how it was presented.

Spoiler (click to read)

Basic rundown of the ending:
*Spock uppercut punch*
*cut to black*
And then everything's okay and the film is over. I think there could have been at least five to ten more minutes to finish everything up. I would've been fine with some sort of surreal-esque transition from the fight scene to Kirk waking up in the hospital.

I had a chat with my school band teacher (who's quite the Star Trek fan), and he actually brought up an interesting point which I agree with:

Spoiler (click to read)

The main villain didn't have to be Khan. It could've been another random psychopath bent on destroying Star Fleet and it would've made no difference. So I wish they had've made more of an effort to make him more Khan-like.

But overall, it was a great film.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Chris W. wrote:

And then when one character says a curse word, the entire class busts out in laughter.

Ho ho. You should try watching a movie with my 4th Period English class. mini/no

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Star Trek Into Darkness

I've been a Trekkie since before I can remember.  I feel as though I was born loving those mad space adventures.  And this film was brilliant.  It surpasses its previous film, and is perhaps the best Star Trek film yet.
I think the highlight is Cumberbatch's character.  is voice is perfect.  When he started crying, I started crying, and I'm still not sure why.
Though, I do feel the end was a bit fast, and I wish there had been just one more scene with Cumberbatch.


The villain was brilliant.  I loved it.


The best part is the villain's song.

The Secret of Kells

I knew basically nothing about this film, but I think JK said something about it being good so I watched it.
The animation and art design was really interesting and clever.  I deeply enjoyed the characters and the storyline.
If you have not seen this film, stop what you are doing and watch it.
The villains looked remarkably cool.

tl;dr: I watched several films with villains I liked.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Dear Zachary

This film is just so well done. I really don't want to spoil much of it for you, but basically, it's a documentary about loss. So, much, loss, everywhere. It is so sad. The editing is well done and clever. Even though it is a documentary about family loss, it feels like a first rate thriller.

And let me tell you, by the end of it you will feel sad and angry at the same time.

Now, lets go watch some happy films!
Youtube @TheRealSonjira I consider it a personal defeat if my pee is not perfectly clear every time.]

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Great Gatsby (2013)

I'd studied the book for my English classes, and so I was naturally curious to see how the film version compared.  At first the film felt overly rushed and flashy, but as it progressed it got much better. Visually, the film was stunning--perhaps a little too stunning, even.  The first half-hour was very quickly paced, moving non-stop.  I liked how the camera swooped and zoomed; but even though it was dynamic it felt very rushed and like the audience was being dragged along.  The party scene at Gatsby's was almost too over-the-top--my eyeballs and eardrums were hurting (though that might have been because I had a headache at the time--or did I get the headache from watching?).

After the initial 30 or so minutes, however, the pacing improved and became much better.  The ending, especially, was very well done, I thought.  I also liked the contrast during Gatsby's and Tom's argument, where the camera comes to a virtual standstill, with the fast-moving beginning. On the negative side, I felt like the film overemphasized some aspects of the book (the Green Light--yes, we get it! There's no need to show it flashing every so often!) while others feel rushed and underused (the Valley of Ashes and Owl Eyes, for example).  I was somewhat disappointed that they short-changed the ending, glossing over

Spoiler (click to read)

Gatsby's funeral, with nobody visiting, and Nick meeting Gatsby's father, as well as Nick severing his ties with Tom, Daisy, and Jordan

--but as I said before, I still found the ending quite powerful and well done.

I wasn't too bothered by the music soundtrack, though in some places it felt somewhat jarring--but, as with almost everything in this film, it got much better towards the end of the film.  The dialogue and plot was mostly accurate to the book, with some minor changes (Tom talking to Wilson).  In this case, some of the subtlety is lost, though I can understand why it was done in this way.  Having Nick recovering in a sanatorium (which does not happen in the book) was also a change that I felt comfortable with, as I think it framed the narrative better in this re-telling.

All in all, while there are some flaws, I still overall enjoyed this interpretation.  7/10

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Squid wrote:

The Secret of Kells

I knew basically nothing about this film, but I think JK said something about it being good so I watched it.
The animation and art design was really interesting and clever.  I deeply enjoyed the characters and the storyline.
If you have not seen this film, stop what you are doing and watch it.
The villains looked remarkably cool.

I dunno about jonathan but I've seen that movie many times and it is definitely one of my favorite movies of all time! Especially Pangur Ban! <3

So I watched
Mr. Bean (The Movie)
Well IDK what the original title for this is but it's the first Bean movie they made, from 1997. As you probably know I am like a huge fan of Mr. Bean the original series and Mr. Bean's Holiday (2007 movie where he goes to Cannes.) Now this movie, while funny, just didn't do it for me. Mr Bean himself was superb, but all the other characters were ridiculously dumb. Maybe it's that everyone sounds smarter with a British accent, but compared to the TV series the acting was seriously bad. The story was ok funny but me, an art nerd, got uncomfortable when

Spoiler (click to read)

he sneezes on the painting, as well as the chain of events this incident sparks.

But all of that was ok, and I would have overlooked it. The one thing that I really hated was that they directly took routines from the TV show and introduced them with no context. As if american audiences haven't seen Mr Bean the TV show. hahahah. Off the top of my head I recognized the skit where he falls out of his seat while asleep, and the one where his head gets stuck inside a turkey. Later I realized there were many more blatantly reused from the original, like the one with the electric shaver.
I was also annoyed by the horrible pop culture references, including but not limited to a bad pop music soundtrack, blatant celebrity endorsements (Bon Jovi), and the fact that the whole thing takes place in !@#$%^ Los Angeles! Why LA? I have no idea. If they were trying to make art history look glamorous, they failed.

I didn't hate this movie though. Like, although it was a pretty bad film, it was still hilarious! This was almost definitely my favorite scene:

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

Gosh guys, the feels--I got emotional at the Depart for the Grey Havens scene.

What a spectacular finale to the universally-acclaimed film trilogy! This is my second time watching it, and I swear, this movie is now one of my Top 3--that's pretty big. All the scenes were monumental and beautifully filmed. The Return of the King is awesome--and I want a VFX breakdown of every single scene in the film, and I want it NOW. mini/bigsmile


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?


Re: What was the last movie you watched?


This film was horribly painful to watch.
Not because it was bad, but the animation was so good that it hurt.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Now You See Me

It was enjoyable, but I expected it to be better. The cast is great, and Mark Ruffalo is pretty outstanding, but at times, the dialogue is really dull and simple (especially the beginning). The whole concept is great and innovative, but the twist is not very surprising.  The story becomes less and less interesting as the film progresses, and the ending is just stupid. The chase scenes were pretty awesome though, and the magic tricks were preaaattyyyy friggin' cool.

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Currently going for the "Most Inactive" BiM award.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Squid wrote:


This film was horribly painful to watch.
Not because it was bad, but the animation was so good that it hurt.

yeah, when i saw it in theaters i had to walk out half-way through the movie because i couldn't take how much i'll never be as good as it is

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Now You See Me

Meh. It was an alright film, great idea and all...but it just flopped. The characters were just flat and had no depth whatsoever so when something important happens to one of's just "Whatever". Also, the acting was really disappointing other than Morgan Freeman and Mark Ruffalo. There were a lot of plot points that either weren't explained or had a really lame payoff. The only things that were going for this film were the idea, the special effects, and the ending. The ending was freaking mind-blowing and just really...

Tobias wrote:

but the twist is not very surprising.

Tobias wrote:

twist is not very surprising.

Tobias wrote:

not surprising.



How in the world was it not surprising?

Spoiler (click to read)

Like, there was literally nothing to hint that Agent Rhodes was the Fifth Horseman. The only thing close to it was the short references to his father a few times (which I expected to show up again, but not in that way).

Overall, it was slightly entertaining.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

School of Rock (2003)

Haven't seen this movie in a good nine years--and it wasn't on Pay Per View this time. I liked Jack Black's performance, and there's a lesson to be learned in this film: talents weren't made to be kept bottled up inside.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Jack Reacher

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Chris W. wrote:

Now You See Me

Meh. It was an alright film, great idea and all...but it just flopped. The characters were just flat and had no depth whatsoever so when something important happens to one of's just "Whatever". Also, the acting was really disappointing other than Morgan Freeman and Mark Ruffalo. There were a lot of plot points that either weren't explained or had a really lame payoff. The only things that were going for this film were the idea, the special effects, and the ending. The ending was freaking mind-blowing and just really...

Tobias wrote:

but the twist is not very surprising.

Tobias wrote:

twist is not very surprising.

Tobias wrote:

not surprising.



How in the world was it not surprising?

Spoiler (click to read)

Like, there was literally nothing to hint that Agent Rhodes was the Fifth Horseman. The only thing close to it was the short references to his father a few times (which I expected to show up again, but not in that way).

Overall, it was slightly entertaining.


It was SUPER OBVIOUS that the Fifth Horseman would be one of the main characters, and when Rhodes said either Alma or Thaddeus could be it, the possibility of either of them being the Fifth Horseman was automatically crossed out, since then the twist wouldn't be surprising at all. I have to say that I thought

Spoiler (click to read)

Rhodes wouldn't be it,

but I thought he could, earlier in the film. My other choices were Tressler or Daniel, and Thaddeus, even earlier in the movie. The twist was good, but not surprising. i beg to DISAGREE. hohohohoho

Last edited by Tobias (June 10, 2013 (10:15am))

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Currently going for the "Most Inactive" BiM award.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


heh, more like "Daniel Day Lewis... in HD!!!"

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

This thread is getting HUGE.

My website is in construction!


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Star Trek (2009)

Once again, not the last movie I watched, but I just had to post it. I've wanted to see this for a long time, so my friend and I watched it yesterday. (Yes, we watched two movies last night, but this one was more important.) It actually isn't a bad movie. The effects are pretty nice, the acting is good, and the story is fairly good to me. The only drawback is, this film isn't real Star Trek. But, by itself, it's a good movie! Hoping to see Into Darkness soon.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front

Ok, so by now I've been forced to see every single American Girl movie with my siblings. Now, my siblings are great and usually like good movies, but they really dig these American Girl movies and I've never been sure as to why. They're usually just riddled with annoying/bad actresses, and the stories are generally uninspired. They always want me to watch them with them, and because I really like my siblings I usually do. I've seen quite a few of these movies, and none of them so far had struck a chord with me, or came across to me as something even remotely enjoyable (This is coming from someone who enjoys such sappy little girl stuff such as Sofia the First and Strawberry Shortcake, so you know these movies have got to be bad).

Now, it may have been that I've grown to think of these movies poorly and not expect anything good from them, or it may have been that I'm just trying too hard to like it or something, but I actually really liked this one, which was shocking to me. So far none of these movies (save Kit Kittridge, which was somewhat enjoyable) I had enjoyed, so when I found myself actually liking this movie and actually being interested in the story and the characters, I was pretty shocked. This may have totally been because I had grown to expect literally nothing from this series of movies, but I really enjoyed this. The characters, this is a rare occurrence in these movies, were enjoyable and had good actresses (save the mom character, she was kind of hard to watch). The story was actually interesting enough for me to be invested in what was going on, which never happens in these movies for me, so that was another welcomed surprise.

So yeah, if for some reason you're ever forced to watch any American Girl movie for some reason, try to watch this one. It's the most tolerable and enjoyable.

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
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              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

To be honest, the American girl movies are pretty bland, but when my sister is watching one, I get sucked in. Its a strange mix between a corny girl power movie and a historical film (they don't really go into detail on the history though).

All I know is that my sister has suddenly started begging for more American girl dolls because of the films...stupid dolls.

no more brickfilming *sad face*.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Star Trek Nemesis

I've realised why the JJ Abrams films succeed, and the rest (aside from The Wrath of Khan and arguably First Contact) are mindless fun at best, and just dull at worst.

The JJ Abrams films are actual films. The rest are just long TV episodes with action set-pieces thrown in. And it just feels wrong. What I like about the Star Trek TV shows is that they remain reserved, and focus on drama rather than spectacle. They are un-stylised and to the point - just like Captain Picard himself.

So to see the TV crew in a 100 min film where they have to increase the budget and emotion just feels wrong. Data is reduced to comic relief, and Picard is struggling to fill a screen that's now much bigger. Its no-ones fault - its just what comes when you have a group of excellent characters perfectly suited to their TV format and you have to shove them into a major blockbuster. Its like when David Bowie tried to play in stadiums - he just wasn't suited to such a large spectacle and ended up looking awkward against this enormous backdrop. 

The JJ Abrams crew, on the other hand,  are tailor made to fill the screen. There is an energy to the new films that was sorely lacking in the old films. I've heard a lot of people complain about Nemesis - but I just found it boring. I didn't care about anyone or anything going on, and that's a pretty big problem. At least when I nitpick, I nitpick because I'm so invested in the artwork that I can spot small flaws.

Overall: What was I talking about again?

Max, She/Her