Re: What was the last movie you watched?

My favorite Studio Ghibli film is My Neighbours the Yamadas. It's not Miyazaki, nor is it the same animation style as most of Ghibli's films (it's more "drawing-y"). But, it's got a nice little family story.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Star Trek - The Motion Picture
(Director's Cut)

A great musical score with an interesting storyline but the pacing is so terribly slow. There were times when I almost fell asleep if it wouldn't have been for Jerry Goldsmith's epic soundtrack.


I know a good deal of people enjoyed it, but I couldn't help but feel disappointed. Perhaps it was the fact that I saw way too many similarities to The Dark Knight for my liking, or perhaps I just didn't find the story interesting enough. Either way it didn't make a good enough impression on me as I would've liked.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Signs. Next to Unbreakable One of M Nights best film.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Continuing with my non-disney animation binge:

A Gay Purr-ee
oh my gosh. best film ever <3
This had been my favorite film when I was like a toddler or baby or whatever. And then my mom threw out the VHS once she got the idea the technology has gone obsolete (WRONG) so I only thought of watching the film real recently. And oh my gosh this is just amazing. Best animation, best voices, best songs, everything. Probably my favorite musical of all time. Judy Garland and Robert Goulet are amazing singers and they sing some pretty amazing songs but I feel like the main focus of this is the art. See, it takes place in 1800s Paris so the animators had a lot of opportunities to reference impressionist artwork and other movements of that era. This is what sets it apart from everything else. They should seriously watch this in every art history class ever. Love it.

We Bought A Zoo (not animation though)
Upon watching the film again I felt like I would have liked the story to focus on Dylan, Rosie and Lilly, because I found their characters much more interesting than the adults Benjamin and whatserface. I don't think I've already talked about how I don't really like Scarlet Johansen, and it's probably because of this film. Everything else was perfect except for that stupid, contrived kissing scene at the end. That pretty much ruined it for me. That part told me, "we're gonna put this in just so some boring old adults will enjoy the film."
That being said I love this film!! What is stated above is nothing more than my opinion because undisputedly this film is a masterpiece. Like everything about it.
Elle Fanning is like the best actress ever also. This film was the first I'd seen of hers, and although she got very limited screen-time she had a lovely performance. She seems like a very talented actor especially after having seen Leaning Towards Solace. She's also super adorabs mini/cat

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Great documentary.  However.  I think that Lee Hirsch should of pulled a bit of money out and bought a glidecam or something to have cleaner steady footage.  Some footage makes me sick watching it.  Other than that this is a great film and everyone should see it.  I can't really say much since it was a documentary.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I did a review of Iron Man 3


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Lucas wrote:


NOT A CHANCE...I just need to make it one more day without reading any reviews, I'm not going to give in now!

Les Miserables
This was pretty good.  Most of the large-scale locations and their digital work wasn't my favorite.  The music was well done, and I liked all of the actors/singers pretty well.  It used some very shallow depth-of-field for some of the parts with people singing.  I had to watch it with my mom so parts of it were kind of...awkward.  Overall, I really liked it.  I'm not sure if I liked it enough to buy it, but it was certainly worth watching since I love the music of Les Miserables. 


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Alamo (2004)

A great histrorical film, which I watched in my History class. It didn't seem to do very well at the box office, so I guess there's quite a lot of inaccuracies in this movie (talk to my History teacher about that mini/tongue).

Brief backstory, and then onto the review. When I was just a little boy, growing up in the suburbs of San Antonio, I would take many car rides to downtown to the Alamo. I sometimes try to remember what the Alamo would have been like way back when in 1836, around the time of the Battle. It's kind of sad to imagine the Alamo today surrounded by so stuff. It's right down the street from a shopping mall and a "Ripley's Believe It or Not" museum (in fact, the inside of the Alamo itself is naught but a gift shop). I wish they wouldn't do stuff like this to such important historical sites. Imagine if they went and put a waterpark next to where the Pilgrims landed.

With that said, this movie was all right, and just all right. I really liked the score, and the acting was fine. But, I feel that it could have left me with a stronger feeling. The Alamo was, in fact, a nice trip down the Interstate from where I grew up. The Alamo is a part of me, you could say. Without it, the proud state I live in today would be nothing but Mexican land. Maybe I should look into some accounts and stories from people that lived around the time of the Battle of the Alamo. Maybe I should go to the library more often. And maybe I should check out the John Wayne Alamo movie. But, this movie was a great movie. Overall, it is great. And Billy Bob Thornton is a great choice, in my opinion, to portray Davy Crockett. It just needs something...something more...


P.S. If you haven't been to the Alamo in San Antonio, please do so before your life is over. It truly is so cool (and not because stars like Dennis Quaid were there).

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

It's been a while since I sat & watched a whole movie.  I saw about 1/2 of Hobbit.  Before that, the last whole movie I watched was Silent Running, and before that, The Help.

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale

My 5th time rewatching this brilliant film. A must-see.

i'm not being sarcastic you better not write this post off as a sarcastic-pretend butt fest

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Red Dawn (2012)

Yep, the new one. Long live the 1984 original film! This remake was bad in many places. In some scenes, it was way too dark to tell what was going on. In the violent scenes, when someone would die, I couldn't even tell who had died. I wish, at that point, that I had some sort of list with the characters' names on it. I could cross their name out whenever they would die.

Again with the World War III plot. In the 1984 film, all they had was that prologue at the beginning. But, in remake, I had a better understanding of what was happening in the outside world, with those news archives and all. It wasn't all "mysterious" as to what was happening in "Free America". It also seemed fitting that

Spoiler (click to read)

they had the North Koreans be the enemy.

In the old film, the enemies were the Russians and the Cubans, and that seemed fitting, for that time, considering they were the real-world enemies at the time. Right now, North Koreans are our enemies, because they threaten us with nuclear weapons. As said before, it seemed fitting.

A part that really bugged me about this film was the following. In the 1984 film, the enemies hold the townspeople hostage at the drive-in. In the 2012 remake, the enemies hold the townspeople hostage at the school's football stadium. In both films, the Wolverines invade the "re-education camps" and free the civilians. But, in the 2012 remake,

Spoiler (click to read)

the film ends right as they invade the camp

. I was like "Why would the end the film as the action is just beginning?" It's like if they ended The Two Towers right before the Battle of Helm's Deep took place. It ends without any real action. It's so weird...and annoying...


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Iron Man Threeeeeee
I'm not gonna give any spoilers not even with the spoiler tag because someone will surely kill me if I do but I'll say even though I don't like action movies this was good. I didn't love it but that's cuz I don't like too much action. But it was entertaining, and a lot more interesting than the other modern day superhero films I've seen. It was highly ironic too, there was one scene that was just totally hilarious and I just died omg.
BTW if you'd like to know, there is an after-credits scene.

ALSO... May the 4th be with you!! mini/bigsmile I'm gonna go watch Star Wars now!!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Iron Man 3

Well, I think I have a new favorite movie.  That was the most perfect super hero movie I've ever seen.  There were so many plot twists...!  I'll take topit's example and not say any spoilers... mini/sad

It was beautiful.  Go see it.  Now, in fact, see it more than once.  Just watch it over and over. 
Just wondering, is there only one after credits scene?  My family wouldn't stay after the first one, so I don't know if there was a second.



Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)

When I finished reading the book last month, I was able to catch up with everything wrong with the movie. And boy, are there a lot of stuff. Let's start with the splitting up of the book into 3 films. Why on earth would they--oh, that's right. Money.

Radagast the Brown isn't a major character in the book. Nor is he even in there, and the Necromancer? What is that; that's not in the book.

I did happen to notice the "out-of-whack" frame rate. But, it wasn't as bad that it would bother me so much. It seemed like some shots at the beginning of the film moved too fast.

One can only pray that The Desolation of Smaug (2013) will be better. I can't wait to see Mirkwood and Beorn's Hall through the perspective of the guys and gals over at Weta. On the other hand...


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I don't know because I left for all the credits and then like 10 minutes later I had to go back in to get this guy that we forgot and the credits were just ending and then the scene started so if there was one before the credits all finished then I suppose there are two.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Iron Man 3

Sort of fun. I wish some of these big franchise movies would take big, real, interesting sorts of risks with the plots. I feel sorta bad saying that about this particular one because it's at least a slight departure from the norm. But the action scenes are the worst thing about the film because it's all gotten so tired and redundant at this point, I wish they'd try something a little fresher.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Just Kidden wrote:

Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale

My 5th time rewatching this brilliant film. A must-see.

i'm not being sarcastic

Or maybe you're just kidding.
It's hard to tell.

But like what you like. There's nothing wrong with you liking it.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Squid wrote:
Just Kidden wrote:

Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale

My 5th time rewatching this brilliant film. A must-see.

i'm not being sarcastic

Or maybe you're just kidding.
It's hard to tell.

But like what you like. There's nothing wrong with you liking it.

nah i really like this movie

maybe it's just because of in-jokes from the shercloppones stream

or maybe it's because i like it ironically

who knows

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Iron Man 3

A very solid film, although I must say that it didn't fully live up to its hype. The plot twists were a little predictable, and some of the humor was washed out, but overall a rather fun film. It's certainly better than Iron Man 2, and it might (possibly) be better than Iron Man. I also appreciate

Spoiler (click to read)

how Pepper saves the day instead of Iron Man

Overall: 7.9/10

Sméagol wrote:

But the action scenes are the worst thing about the film because it's all gotten so tired and redundant at this point, I wish they'd try something a little fresher.

Eh, the action in this film is far better (And makes far more sense) than that of the previous film in the series, and possibly the first, IMO. It's not like they went full out Avengers mode and put special effects in practically every single shot.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Star Trek Into Darkness
