Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Terminator 3

Somewhat underrated.

OK, I know its unnecessary. But Terminator 4 showed us just how bad things could get. This film at least contains effort. The action is so over-the-top its glorious. Even such minor things as Arnie hitting the bonnet of a car in frustration - he hits it and hits it until the car snaps in half, completely broken. The script probably just said "T-800 hits car in frustration then shuts down", but the same guy who did all the other action scenes thought "NO! He's going to keep hitting it until it collapses into a heap of scrap metal with sparks flying out!"

I also like the ending. Its unusual for a Blockbuster to end on such a mature note. I get why some people hate it. Yes, in the first two films it was clearly established that the future is easily re-written - but here its impossible to change the future. But I like films (or any other media for that matter) that deal with the inevitability of something and in the end everyone has no choice but to accept it. Or as I like to call it, the "Oh crap. We're screwed" moment.

Terminator 3 is still unnecessary, but at least everyone on the film is clearly trying, and because they try they still created a worthwhile film. You see: Hollywood don't like ending stuff. They are the little children who wrap themselves around a lampost and refuse to leave Disneyland. So, if you ever want to create a great film and don't want a studio to come along and ruin it: end with everyone dying. That way Hollywood will never be able to go up to your film and say "Oh no! They can't just ride off into the sunset! They need to meet another bad-guy who's pretty much the same person and save the world AGAIN!" because they didn't run off into the sunset. They are dead. They are where no studio executive can harm them now.

Although, the fact there is still no sign of Terminator 5 proves Hollywood still has some sense left...

Max, She/Her

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Terminator 3's ending was absolutely wonderful.
It was just extremely well done. It's not like nuclear winter (worst case scenario of nuclear war), or atom bombs destroying the world is a good thing, but it was the most beautiful part of the film.

Last edited by Troodon (March 29, 2013 (08:09am))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Max Butcher wrote:

Although, the fact there is still no sign of Terminator 5 proves Hollywood still has some sense left...

Remember that they usually like to wait a decade before releasing the next sequel.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Double Rainboom
Not sure if the first fan-made episode of My Little Pony qualifies as a film per se, but here's me reviewing it anyway. The screenwriting was pretty bad (awkward story, fake dialogue) but I loved it and thought that every other aspect of it was great. Although at times it felt like hey let's just show off all these cool effects we can do.

Good Burger
OMG I just love this movie so much. People who don't like it are just cray-cray because this is genius!! I'm a dude! He's a dude! She's a dude! We're all dudes, hey!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Host

Don't wanna talk about it... so you can watch my review of it.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Juggernaut Pictures wrote:

Remember that they usually like to wait a decade before releasing the next sequel.

True. Every summer, some major studio somewhere (usually Universal) goes "Oh crap! We need more summer blockbusters! We could try and come up with something brand new, but since creativity hurts our brains lets just look through our DVD collections and find an old franchise we could resurrect...AHA! Men In Black!"

Speaking of:

Men In Black 3


OK, this was quite good. Obviously nowhere near as witty or well put together as the first Men In Black - but it made me forget all about the terrible sequel which was a perfect example of Hollywood ruining a piece of art just to get bums on seats - which backfired spectacularly because Men In Black 2 bombed.

I dunno, I'm just really bitter about Hollywood for some reason. I've never had a problem with them before. I've long accepted that they don't give a rats behind about the art of film and just want to make money out of trashy entertainment. And like a sheep I still watch this trashy entertainment because sometimes your bored cooking gourmet dishes and want to get a McDonalds. Men In Black 3 is a great example of this. Its like sometimes I want to play Deus Ex non-lethal, and sometimes I want to go wild with a rocket launcher and assault rifle.

Last edited by Max Butcher (March 31, 2013 (03:34am))

Max, She/Her

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Malcolm X (1992)

My mom is quite supportive of the civil rights movements in the United States. She came from Guatemala, with her sister and parents, as an illegal immigrant. They had to live in fear of being caught when they settled down on the East Coast. Even though she herself is not African-American, she feels for Malcolm X and the slaves all the African-Americans that had to go through similar circumstances. She loves Denzel Washington, and this movie. So, I watched it with her.

Anyways, on to the review. This film was good, but I thought some camera angles were a bit weird. There's this one shot (near the end of the film) where it looks like Malcolm floats through the air. But, looking past the cinematography bits of it, I liked the bits of 1940s-1960s music, and I thought the acting was pretty good. No wonder Denzel was nominated for an Academy Award.

Around the start of the film, it felt more like a comedy to me. But, soon enough, it good serious, where Malcolm X begins a life of sins, and where he is in prison. It was interesting to learn more about how Malcolm X abandoned his sins through the Nation of Islam.

I liked the film, but I realised that Spike Lee can be quite a controversial filmmaker. For example, at the beginning of the film, the American flag burns and takes the shape of the letter "X". I liked how that related to Malcolm X, but Lee does make some controversial films like that.

Some parts of the film just WHOOSH! right past you. For example,

Spoiler (click to read)

the scene with Rev. Little lying down on the street before a trolley (not the part where we see the KKK throwing him down, but the first time)

just came and went. I had to ask my mom (who was watching the film with me) what had happened, because that scene went by so fast. Also, the bit between

Spoiler (click to read)

Nelson Mandela's speech and the credits

seemed to go by really fast too. He is just talking to a classroom, and then there is a shot where we see archive footage of the real Malcolm X saying something, and then the end credits just jump out. It's weird, but it's Spike Lee, so yeah...

Overall, the film was very good. And I think it covered the topic of Malcolm X's life, his Pilgrimage to Mecca, and his views on segregation laws and equality.


Last edited by Mickey (April 26, 2013 (09:09pm))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mickey wrote:

Malcolm X (1992)
This film was good, but I thought some camera angles were a bit weird. There's this one shot (near the end of the film) where it looks like Malcolm floats through the air. But, looking past the cinematography bits of it, I liked the bits of 1940s-1960s music, and I thought the acting was pretty good.  ...

That's Spike Lee, you'll find a shot like that in every film by him (or at least the movies that I watched).

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

A Talking Cat?!

a masterpiece of storytelling

should be studied in film schools across the world

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Amazing Spiderman (2012)

I really like the new rendition of Spiderman. Garfield really sold the role. I thought that in general, the film was more accurate to the original concept. I felt that Parker's relationship with his Uncle should have been developed further though. I guess they can only do so much in 136 minutes, but I feel that Parker's sadness wasn't really warranted from a viewer's standpoint. Still, it was a good film. 3.7/5

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


I hadn't seen any Bond films besides a few Connery ones until now.  That was pretty good.  Lots of exciting action and cool fights.

The Iron Lady

Almost half of the film was old Thatcher slowly walking around her home.  It seemed to really be more about old age and dealing with loss than about a prime minister.  (that's not really a criticism, but more of a remark, however, it should have been a bit quicker.  I don't really want to watch an old woman walk around her home for that long)

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I love the Bond films. It seems as though they are in their own, separate genre of cinema.

Last edited by Nathan Mellace (September 13, 2014 (04:00pm))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Rocky And Bullwinkle Movie (2000)

I liked it, it was a fairly decent movie. I enjoyed most of the breaking the 4th wall jokes, although at times they went a tad bit over the top to the point of stupidity. I was surprised at the amount of mature humor and refrences, and it kinda added to its enjoyability. Though my gosh, the  secret agent chick's acting was horrid. Just, ugh, it wanted to make just stop watching. But other than that, it was fairly enjoyable.


Schindler's List

Them feels you guys. Why can't I hold all of them ;-;

Such an amazing film. If you haven't seen it before, go see it. Like now. The only awkward part about it was that I had my parents watching it right next to me. And there are scenes with naked old Jews running around. So yeah. That was interesting.

But really, go watch this movie.


Wreck-It Ralph

I wanted to see this film in theaters, but I just never got around to it, so I watched it onDemand. I have to say, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. I knew I would like it, but wow, it was great. I thought my favorite parts would be the video game refrences, but I forgot about them once the story got progressing. Overall, it was a fantastic movie.

EDIT: I forgot to put a rating: 9.5/10

Jurrasic Park 3D

For some reason, I've never seen this movie before. So I didn't go watch it only for the 3D. But I do have to say, I really enjoyed this film. I don't have many complaints, but I think the How It Should Have Ended version relays my complaints. mini/tongue

The 3D wasn't worth it in my opinion. It was better than some 3D movies I've seen, but I still don't think it's worth the extra $3.50.


Last edited by Chris W. (April 14, 2013 (07:55am))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I finally watched Wreck-It Ralph today! And no, not just because Chris watched it too. No, it was utterly amazing. They did a great job with pretty much every aspect of it, especially those references. But yeah, like I expected something like Toy Story (oh hey John Lassatter worked on both even) but seriously the plot here was so much more complex and meaningful than Toy Story. It seemed as if they really put a lot of thought into this. I did not expect that. I'm annoyed that they let Rihanna and Skrillex make songs for the soundtrack though.

Why did the hero flush the toilet??

Spoiler (click to read)

IT WAS HIS DUTY LOLOLOLOLOL OMG I shouldn't be laughing at this but omg that was just so perfect

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Oh hey it's me again

I'm really conflicted about this movie. Last time I saw it I was like five years old and I found it boring. Watched it today in my French class and still found it boring. Which is a shame because I love Michel Ocelot. I'd say Azur et Asmar is one of the best animated films, like ever. Mostly because of the amazing art. Kirikou had amazing art as well, but I just didn't like the plot. I feel like it truly was a film intended for really young kids because it's just...weeeird at times. Like, why are they doing this. Why are they repeating the same thing over and over again. Why are they singing. It was based on an actual folk tale so I guess that's why, and that is pretty cool. But by today's standards the story was pretty simplistic and not that engaging. I didn't hate it, just didn't like it that much. The art was totally amazing though. And the bit with the squirrels was pretty cute mini/cat

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Red Dawn (1984)

Fine. It was all right. But, I wish they would have made this

Spoiler (click to read)


Another part that threw me off was that

Spoiler (click to read)

the outlying lands, known as Free America, aren't "free" because the Russians and their Cuban allies nuked most of the States and Washington and stuff. That one grownup himself said that the enemies destroyed Texas as they headed up north towards the little Colorado town. So, how is Free America "free" with all those bad guys who took over the states that weren't nuked and blown up? Ooh, seems like a lecture in History class...

The battle scenes got repetitive and boring after a while. A few were good, however. Also, the cast was good (Patrick Swayze, Charlie Sheen, Lea Thompson? Yes please; great 80s stars!), but I don't believe they could save this movie.


Once Upon a Mattress (2005 TV Movie)

Em. We're watching it in Theatre Arts class, and we started today. I remember hearing about when my local community theatre put on a production of this musical. There's a CGI sequence during the opening credits, and it looks awful, in my opinion. I'd like to see the play, but the movie is just plain silly. As said with my review of Red Dawn, "good cast, but it couldn't save the film".


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Secret of Kells
This film. Oh my gosh this film is just perfect. So up there I was writing this thing about Kirikou and how the plot was weak. No, Kells has the best of both worlds. Good plot and amazing artwork. I even prefer this art to Ocelot's, because the characters are more stylized and have more personality. Like seriously, look and Pangur Ban and tell me that this cat is not perfect.
I dare you.
Also Brother Aidan of Iona totally looked like Willie Nelson. That amused me.
Just... go watch this film. It's soooo good. It's absolutely perfect.

BTW: I'm on a no more disney animation marathon right now. Next I'm watching A Gay Purr-ee (the Judy Garland thing). Any other recommendations?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Iron Man 3

Sort of an underdeveloped mess


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

topitmunkeydog wrote:

BTW: I'm on a no more disney animation marathon right now. Next I'm watching A Gay Purr-ee (the Judy Garland thing). Any other recommendations?

Persepolis and Valzer with Bashir are animated movies I loved (warning: Valtzer with Bashir is not a movie for kids). Then Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle, all three by Hayo Miyazaky, are a must see, even if you don't like anime (as a matter of fact, I don't like anime, and I loved them). I'd also say Princess Mononoke, but it contains blood and it's definitely targeted to a more mature audience, and I heard you don't like blood, if I recall correctly. Still, great movie.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Oh gosh I love Hayao Miyazaki... I love anime too but his films are way better than most anime. I've seen all four that you mentioned and I loved all of them, even Mononoke Hime. My favorite has got to be The Cat Returns, one of the lesser appreciated but best (it's not actually Miyazaki's, but it is by Studio Ghibli so it's just as good.) Anyway there's a new one called From Up on Poppy Hill and I think it looks absolutely great.
And I've heard Persopolis is good. Thanks for the suggestions mini/cat