Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I watched 300 (2007) for the second time and I have to say, its really overrated. First of all, its to much. I know its trying to be cool, but its just to much and then its just gets silly, specially the dialogue.

The story is weak, but its not trying to be that kind of movie. The action and the effects are the main things, but I don't think it looks that good. The CGI just looks kind of cheap and the action is not more than okay. 2/5

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Did a three-day marathon of The Lord of the Rings, since now I know a lot more about Middle Earth, and have read almost all of J.R.R. Tolkien's and Christopher Tolkien's writings.

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
Really well done. I really liked the scenery, and the soundtrack.

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Not as good as the previous one, but the battle scenes were REALLY good.

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Wow. Just. Wow. I am absolutely astonished at the epicness. And yes, I did cry during the Gray Havens scene, and had so many feels during Sam and Frodo's journey through Mordor.

I am still saddened by the fact that everyone cheered for Frodo, and completely left out Sam. Frodo would not have gotten anywhere without Sam.

Last edited by Troodon (February 16, 2013 (09:39am))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I watched Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabbit (2005) for the first time. I didn't really know what to expect, I haven't seen any Wallace & Gromit films before. But I really enjoyed it! I loved the humour and the animation was awesome (and inspiring!). 4/5

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Hereafter (2010)

That was a good movie! It was a little confusing and boring, but it soon picked up after that. Eastwood, being the director, the producer, and the composer must have been really busy with that. His musical score is nice, though. It's not a huge, orchestral thing with French horns, and the lot. It's simple with a piano, a guitar, and some additional string instruments.

I liked the action scenes, and the first 7 minutes were really gripping. The movie was a little sad around the part with

Spoiler (click to read)

George reading Marcus in the hotel room

. It wasn't too disturbing, as others say it is. I liked the acting, the plot, and the musical score very much. I remember hearing about the film's release (while at a chicken wing restaurant mini/tongue ), but I just never got around to seeing it. But, I really liked this movie.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Ferris Bueller's Day Off

I'd been meaning to watch this film for several years now, but had never actually got around to it until now.
I though it was pretty great, it was funny, and enjoyable. I usually don't so much enjoy films with a bunch of bad words, but I loved it nonetheless.

"You're still here?"


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Squid wrote:

I usually don't so much enjoy films with a bunch of bad words, but I loved it nonetheless.

Have you heard of the ClearPlay? It's a special DVD player that, once you've uploaded the proper filters, it takes out pretty much any iffy content. Without it, I probably wouldn't be able to watch the film I'm reviewing here.

10 Things I Hate About You (1999)

Pretty good. I'm not a huge fan of romantic comedies. But it is interesting that Heath Ledger and Joseph Gordon-Levitt are in the same movie, before The Dark Knight or anything.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Lol squid I watched a film by the same director
The Breakfast Club
Not as good as Ferris Bueller, but spectacular nonetheless. This was tons more existential and heartwarming while Bueller is just comic genius.

LOTR: The Two Towers
Yeah, I'm watching these now. I didn't like this as much as the last one because the scenery was not as nice but I gotta say the battle scenes were extremely well done.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

FlyingMinifig wrote:

The Hunger Games (2012)

Well, I'll admit I'm pretty biased about this series.  I've never liked The Hunger Games; the idea of marketing a book about kids killing other kids to kids disgusts me.  (Yes, I realize this is primarily a teen book, but it still isn't much of a stretch to assume that younger kids might read it as well.) I did read part of the first book, but I didn't think it was anything amazing.

Anyway, while the film itself wasn't horrible, it wasn't anything particularly special.  The storyline was pretty straightforward and predictable.  The set and costume designs, though some of the futuristic sets were cool, weren't anything new or original, and sometimes rather weird. The Peacekeepers look like they're wearing rejected Star Wars uniform designs and high-tech hard hats. mini/eh  As for the camera, there was so much shaky-cam it was actually physically painful to watch at times.

The film itself is pretty cursory; we're never told why The Hunger Games take place, why the Districts haven't long since rebelled against the government; and, we're never truly horrified at the fact that teenagers are being forced to kill each other for entertainment (which I thought is supposed to be the whole point of the film).  The love triangle between Katniss, Peeta, and Gale is a huge cliche; again, nothing new there.

Also, there are loads of plot holes throughout the film:

Spoiler (click to read)

Nobody questions how Katniss apparently managed to become Panem's version of Wilhelm Tell, despite the fact that weapons are banned in District 12 (as mentioned in the book and suggested by the fact she hides her bow in the woods)

Spoiler (click to read)

Peeta manages to disguise himself to completely blend in with his surroundings; even with the futuristic technology, this would still probably take hours upon hours of painstaking work, which, given the facts he'd have very little experience in that sort of thing, and several other people are doing their utmost to kill him, would make that pretty much impossible.

Spoiler (click to read)

When Katniss is stuck in the tree, Rue randomly materializes out of nowhere and points out a Tracker-Jacker nest she's never actually noticed before.  Rather Deus ex Machina.  Then she's knocked out for several days by a few Tracker-Jacker stings, yet virtually all of the other people (excluding the girl with the bow) who got stung many more times than her when the nest fell on them seem perfectly fine.  Also, when Rue dies, Katniss spends ages collecting flowers, despite the fact that the others could return at any time.  Even if she was deliberately trying to win the sympathy of District 11, doing that would still be extremely risky to the point of being suicidal.

All in all, while the film wasn't the worst thing I've ever seen, I fail to see why it ever became so popular.


That's what the books are for. Katniss's dad had taught her how to hunt and make weapons. As for Peeta in the bakery he was an expert cake decorator who could decorate cakes to look exactly like items. Rue knew how to climb extremely well living in District 11 having to climb trees to harvest things from trees.

Spoiler (click to read)

As for when Rue died Katniss did have time because the plants were very close. And also the fires that were started earlier were occupying the other careers. She wasn't trying to win sympathy of district 11, Rue reminded her of her sister, being small and having the same bird like stance like they are going to take flight. This deeply hurt Katniss throughout the series and she wanted to show that Rue wasnt just another piece in their games.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Chiro wrote:

That's what the books are for. Katniss's dad had taught her how to hunt and make weapons. As for Peeta in the bakery he was an expert cake decorator who could decorate cakes to look exactly like items. Rue knew how to climb extremely well living in District 11 having to climb trees to harvest things from trees.

Spoiler (click to read)

As for when Rue died Katniss did have time because the plants were very close. And also the fires that were started earlier were occupying the other careers. She wasn't trying to win sympathy of district 11, Rue reminded her of her sister, being small and having the same bird like stance like they are going to take flight. This deeply hurt Katniss throughout the series and she wanted to show that Rue wasnt just another piece in their games.

The books shouldn't be used as an excuse.  Films of books aren't add-ons or augmentations of the books; they're re-telling the story in a completely different way.  As such, they should have the same if not a higher level of depth than the books--especially since films generally reach a larger audience than books, who wouldn't have necessarily read the books and thus wouldn't know these details.

Even if Katniss's dad taught her, weapons are still illegal, so that doesn't change anything.  Peeta might have been an expert cake-decorator, but we're never told that in the film, and it'd still take hours of work to be able to disguise yourself that convincingly.  (Besides, how many fancy cakes would you expect to sell in an area where people have to hunt squirrels with bows and arrows to survive?)  I didn't have a problem with Rue being able to climb; it's the fact she conveniently appears out of nowhere to help with no real motive (remembering, after all, that these people have to kill each other eventually) and points out a Tracker-Jacker nest that Katniss, despite being stuck in the tree for several days, never noticed.  If I were stuck in a tree for that length of time, a huge nest full of deadly insects is one of the very first things I'd take a note of. 

Spoiler (click to read)

Even if the flowers were close by (and I don't recall seeing any in the area where Rue died) it'd still take ages to pick that many and arrange them in a pattern.  And if the others have time to set a trap, they're going to want to check back regularly, so even if they were occupied, they could still afford to send one or two people to look.

Last edited by Mr Vertigo (February 12, 2013 (03:44am))

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

FlyingMinifig wrote:
Chiro wrote:

That's what the books are for. Katniss's dad had taught her how to hunt and make weapons. As for Peeta in the bakery he was an expert cake decorator who could decorate cakes to look exactly like items. Rue knew how to climb extremely well living in District 11 having to climb trees to harvest things from trees.

Spoiler (click to read)

As for when Rue died Katniss did have time because the plants were very close. And also the fires that were started earlier were occupying the other careers. She wasn't trying to win sympathy of district 11, Rue reminded her of her sister, being small and having the same bird like stance like they are going to take flight. This deeply hurt Katniss throughout the series and she wanted to show that Rue wasnt just another piece in their games.

The books shouldn't be used as an excuse.  Films of books aren't add-ons or augmentations of the books; they're re-telling the story in a completely different way.  As such, they should have the same if not a higher level of depth than the books--especially since films generally reach a larger audience than books, who wouldn't have necessarily read the books and thus wouldn't know these details.

Even if Katniss's dad taught her, weapons are still illegal, so that doesn't change anything.  Peeta might have been an expert cake-decorator, but we're never told that in the film, and it'd still take hours of work to be able to disguise yourself that convincingly.  (Besides, how many fancy cakes would you expect to sell in an area where people have to hunt squirrels with bows and arrows to survive?)  I didn't have a problem with Rue being able to climb; it's the fact she conveniently appears out of nowhere to help with no real motive (remembering, after all, that these people have to kill each other eventually) and points out a Tracker-Jacker nest that Katniss, despite being stuck in the tree for several days, never noticed.  If I were stuck in a tree for that length of time, a huge nest full of deadly insects is one of the very first things I'd take a note of. 

Spoiler (click to read)

Even if the flowers were close by (and I don't recall seeing any in the area where Rue died) it'd still take ages to pick that many and arrange them in a pattern.  And if the others have time to set a trap, they're going to want to check back regularly, so even if they were occupied, they could still afford to send one or two people to look.

Katniss and Gale hide their weapons extremely careful. Actually Peeta was shown at the bakery and he told Katniss "I used to decorate the cakes down at the bakery." Again this is where the books come in, the point was that no one was able to afford them. They tell you right when Peeta was reaped in the book that Prim always wanted to go down to the bakery to look at them. I really don't think insects over my head would be the first thing I'd notice if a group of six (yes the district 4 kids are careers too which they failed to mention in the movie.) careers were taunting me and trying to kill me in a tree. And Rue, like Prim, was really kind. She helped, and trusted Katniss also because of her Mockingjay Pin, which reminded her of home.

Spoiler (click to read)

I guess it would take a long time but they all did split up not knowing each others location.

I agree there were quite a bit of mistakes and things taken out, but really, if they kept everything it would've been like a six hour movie. Catching Fire is being directed by a different director so perhaps it'll be better than the first.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Seven Psychopaths

Glorious. Being a fan of In Bruges, Martin McDonagh's second feature film was obviously on the top of my list for a while.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Rise of the Guardians (2012)

A great animated film, and I enjoyed Desplat's musical score.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Probably the most mind blowing film I've ever seen. mini/twitch It was very entertaining and suspenseful.

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Lincoln (2013) released on the 7th of February in Australia

I had never learnt about american history but this one is a great movie , and it's a Steven Spielberg film so you expect a good film.

Full review coming soon


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Eagle Eye
Ah, what a great movie to make you freaked out and give you a tad more conscious about technology. mini/lol
Shia Lebouf has always been one of my favourite actors, especially since I grew up with him on The Even Stevens.
Aye, this is such an interesting movie. One of my favourites. mini/smile

"Of The Pond Films"
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Re: What was the last movie you watched?


This film is a combination of a play and a history lesson, the acting is great by Daniel Day Lewis, but it's not a great cinematic experience at all. That this has gotten nominations in best director boggles my mind. Great film to show in school though.
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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Pulp Fiction

I've always seen it more by parts, but now I've finally watched the whole thing. It's just a really entertaining, great film.

Last edited by Tobias (March 3, 2013 (07:36am))

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Batman (1966)

I had started out watching Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (on Netflix), but I found it boring. So, I started watching this instead. It was good, it was good. I found it much more tame and light than the Dark Knight trilogy; it wasn't as dark-toned. I thought bits of it were cheesy (especially the "Shark-Repellent Bat Spray" sequence). Also, the slanted camera angles got annoying after a while. At first, I thought they were good. But, it got out of control when it was overused. Overall, I think the film was fine. Also, I think I remember Leslie H. Martinson, the director, working on an episode or two of The Brady Bunch.


Last edited by Mickey (March 3, 2013 (08:45pm))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

OK knowing that Adam West's Batman is on Netflix Instant view just made my day thank you so much mickey <3

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World
If you have seen the movie already and want to be freaked out, watch it with the alternative ending. Except YAY Knives Chau, the most adorable of all the characters YAY. mini/cat

Master of Disguise
Oh my goodness this was one of my favorite films when I was little. I am so glad I finally decided to watch it again, it brought back so many feels. Looking on it with a more "mature" eye, there are quite a few rough edges to the film (e.g. they had to hire some pretty bad actors for supporting roles) but the film itself is total genius. I'm starting to wonder how much of the comedy was actually improvised on the spot, because I cannot imagine someone scripting something so amazing. Seriously, people who didn't like the film are just being boring squares who can't have a bit of fun. I just love this thing

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Um, wow. That was intense and felt quite real. I liked it. Very interesting movie. I think it was another step for Dwanye Johnson to move into more "serious" roles over the delightful family movie's he has done well in. Nice story, I think it was executed nicely. Seemed very realistic and a bit hard at times, but it was a good movie.

"Of The Pond Films"
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