Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Towering Inferno (1974)

Like The Great Escape: sad, but a good film overall.


Ben-Hur (1959)

Winner of 11 Academy Awards! At first, I was just gonna watch this film for its religious content and the scene with the chariot race. But, I ended up liking it a lot.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

oh yes Ben-Hur is fantastic!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Pretty great film. Definitely great if you just want to go the movie theater and have some fun. I'm sad to say that the only other 007 movies I've seen are Casino Royale, Quantum of Solace, and Tomorrow Never Dies. I need to see all of the other ones though, it's long overdue.

Last edited by Tobias (November 26, 2012 (05:01pm))

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Yojimbo (1961)

Great film, Toshiro Mifune is so cool in his role, much cooler than Clint in his Role in a Few Dollars More (same story). Nice theme too.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Napoleon Dynamite (2004)

One of my all time favorite comedy films, and even better because it was filmed in the same state that my dad was born. I have the movie on DVD, but I got to see it in History class on Friday (it wasn't for a lesson, it was just an end-of-the-six-weeks celebration).


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Hugo (2011)

I wasn't sure what to except with this film as at first it certainly began very slowly. I found the story line to be quite unusual however at times it was slightly predictable and felt rather boring. But one thing that certainly stood out was the amazing cinematography and the brilliant use of 3d, infact I felt it was one of the best examples of the tech I've seen in a long time.

There was also some beautiful set designs such as the train station Hugo lives in and when the film started to pick up 2 thirds of the way through and show us the history of film it was excellent but that definitely took time.

Overall I'd say Scorsese didn't succeed in making his first family film with the film taking simply too long to pick up although this is made up for with brilliant cinematography and visuals as well as the homage to early film makers.

7.29/10 mini/smile

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Life of Pi
Wow, what an amazing movie. Good acting, good visuals. This movie reminded me a lot of the book Unbroken.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

There Will Be Blood
The acting and cinematography were outstanding, but I felt like it was a bit too slow-paced around the middle, almost to the point where I began to lose interest. The last thirty minutes made up for it, however, as they were close to cinema-perfection.

Mulholland Dr.
An extremely complicated film, and I would lie if I said I understood much of it. Usually, a film like this could confuse the hell out of you, so much in fact that you lose interest in it completely. Not the case with this film, though, as I keep thinking about it and try to come up with explanations for it.
It was my first exposure to David Lynch, and it made me intrigued to watch more of his work. I'm currently going through season one of Twin Peaks for the first time.

My old YouTube is since long ago defunct - now even removed.
Here is my new one.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Very thought-provoking and uncliche, not to spoil much seeing as its an apocalyptic film, but it kills off some pretty main characters pretty quickly. Also it had a fairly interested insight on human nature and the way laws can snap at the drop of a hat. Go watch.

'look like it was shot at 2 FPS by a blindfolded five year old boy with broken fingers and no thumbs.' -PushOver
I'll be back animating soon! Exams and computer faults are keeping me away </3

Drifter (THAC 11) - Here

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Shawshank Redemption
I'm not even gonna write a review, because there's no way my words could possibly justify how good this film is.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Valkyrie (2008)
This movie was pretty good.  Even though you knew how it would ultimately end, the movie made you feel like it could actually work.  The ending was very powerful and I have to say that this is one of my favorite war movies.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
oh godddddd why
This film was sooo horrible! It was like Rebecca Black wrote a musical and it was produced by the same guys who made "Gay: A Gay musical" in the IT Crowd.
And yet, somehow I enjoyed it!! What is wrong with me?

Christmas Vacation
This has got to be one of the best holiday films I have seen simply because of the sheer and shameless mockery of the holiday season, while it still retains that warm and fuzzy feel that Christmas movies should have.
The comedy was soooo genius, especially

Spoiler (click to read)


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

topitmunkeydog wrote:

"Gay: A Gay musical" in the IT Crowd.

Real creative name there.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Pretty disappointed. There's alot to complain about, but Im gonna keep it short or atleast try. The movie is really long to long for its own good. The first 30 minutes is a nightmare. The humor was kind of boring and childish. I have to ask what is it with Peter Jacksons obsession with CGI? This movie have way to much, I keep asking my self why they didnt do it just like Lord of The Rings, that was a perfect mixed of CGI.

The actionscenes are too much and its not like Lord of The Rings. No, here they manage to go on to fall on a rope that takes them to a bridge that falls down on a stone that moves and... yeah you get the point and I have to compare with Lord of the rings because everything that appear in Lord of The Rings have to be explained or showed in The Hobbit wich is extremly annoying.

2/5 - Its a mediocre movie, no doubt and Lord of The Rings is hundred times better. mini/tongue

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Noobster Studios wrote:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Pretty disappointed. There's alot to complain about, but Im gonna keep it short or atleast try. The movie is really long to long for its own good. The first 30 minutes is a nightmare. The humor was kind of boring and childish. I have to ask what is it with Peter Jacksons obsession with CGI? This movie have way to much, I keep asking my self why they didnt do it just like Lord of The Rings, that was a perfect mixed of CGI.

The actionscenes are too much and its not like Lord of The Rings. No, here they manage to go on to fall on a rope that takes them to a bridge that falls down on a stone that moves and... yeah you get the point and I have to compare with Lord of the rings because everything that appear in Lord of The Rings have to be explained or showed in The Hobbit wich is extremly annoying.

2/5 - Its a mediocre movie, no doubt and Lord of The Rings is hundred times better. mini/tongue

Haha, just read an identical review written in Swedish. Guess you're a member of Moviezine, too.

My old YouTube is since long ago defunct - now even removed.
Here is my new one.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Haha, just read an identical review written in Swedish. Guess you're a member of Moviezine, too.

Haha, ja det var jag. mini/tongue

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Noobster Studios wrote:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Pretty disappointed. There's alot to complain about...

Well, this is only the first installment. I think it'll get better as it goes to the next films. Like with Fellowship of the Ring, it was a little slow. But, the next two films were great.

...the movie is really long...

Well, most of Peter Jackson's films are long. But, at 165-168 minutes, that's not super long (The Dark Knight Rises is about the same running time). I've seen much longer films, though.

A Christmas Carol (British 1984 made-for-TV film)

We're watching it in English class. In my opinion, I'm sort of tired of the overuse of this story. I understand that it's a "classic", but they don't need twenty adaptions of it. The CGI and sound design are really bad and cheesy, in my opinion. And lastly, the only good acting is by Anthony Walters, who plays Tiny Tim.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mickey wrote:
Noobster Studios wrote:

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Pretty disappointed. There's alot to complain about...

Well, this is only the first installment. I think it'll get better as it goes to the next films. Like with Fellowship of the Ring, it was a little slow. But, the next two films were great.

...the movie is really long...

Well, most of Peter Jackson's films are long. But, at 165-168 minutes, that's not super long (The Dark Knight Rises is about the same running time). I've seen much longer films, though.

Yeah, Peter Jackson often makes quite long films. I went to the AMC Lord Of The Rings trilogy marathon last Saturday, with all the films being extended edition. Because of that, only the Return of the King had four and a quarter hours.

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Currently going for the "Most Inactive" BiM award.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mickey wrote:

A Christmas Carol (British 1984 made-for-TV film)

We're watching it in English class. In my opinion, I'm sort of tired of the overuse of this story. I understand that it's a "classic", but they don't need twenty adaptions of it.

From my experience the best versions are Mr. Magoo's Christmas Carol and Blackadder's. You are right in saying that all the other ones are exactly the same. The Jim Carrey one had like practically word-for-word accuracy to the novella.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Well, most of Peter Jackson's films are long. But, at 165-168 minutes, that's not super long (The Dark Knight Rises is about the same running time). I've seen much longer films, though.

Yeah, Peter Jackson often makes quite long films. I went to the AMC Lord Of The Rings trilogy marathon last Saturday, with all the films being extended edition. Because of that, only the Return of the King had four and a quarter hours.

Long was the wrong word, I think its a slow story if you can put it that way . I have no problem wathing 4 hour movies.