Re: What was the last movie you watched?

There Will Be Blood
Daniel Day-Lewis is amazing, he completely transformed himself for this role: one of the best performances I've seen by a male actor. The soundtrack is great too, definitely helped shape the movie into what it is, probably more than anything else (except for Day-Lewis, maybe).
May not be a perfect movie, but it's definitely worth watching it multiple times. 4.5/5

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Iron Man
The beginning of the series. I remember when I saw this in the theatre. Umm... I don't know much 'bout this movie, other than it's AWESOME. It's got Robert downy Jr. as Tony stark. Gwyneth Paltrow as pepper pots. And Jeff Bridges as Obadiah stane (stain maybe... IDK). The story of how tony stark became the "Iron Man". 5/5

Iron Man 2
Don't know when I got this, but it's great, not as good as the first on though. Robert downy Jr. is Tony Stark again, Gwyneth Paltrow is pepper again, but this time the main villain is Ivan vanco, a russian physicist. I'm not getting into the plot, but if you haven't seen it yet, watch it. end of line. 4.8/5

"I wear black even when I'm not animating. I'm like a walking funeral parlor."

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I saw Hotel Transylvania. The movie itself was not very good, suffered from bad storyline and voice acting, but otherwise it was alright. The animation is what really made the movie for me, it was so well done like wow

I kept forgetting it was CGI because the animation was so expressive and loose and cartoony and wow and it was really admirable

The timing/pacing/whatever felt very much like a Butch Hartman cartoon, so I felt it didn't really fit the movie format very well. Too much stuff going on at every single moment as far as the sound and jokes go.


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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

A pretty cool agent gone rogue movie. Also the beauty of Angelina Jolie helps a lot mini/smile I'd take any Bourne movie over this though.

Drag Me To Hell
A movie which has a few good scares (mostly because of SFX) but overall it doesn't deliver. Sam Raimi's best work was "The Evil Dead" trilogy and it seems he's been losing it ever since. Sad...

Oh man this is one of the action masterpiece's of Tony Scott's (R.I.P.). I was always a big fan of his work, especially after "Man on Fire", I luv the way his movies are edited, I love the action and of course I'm a big fan of Denzel who happened to star in a lot of Tony's movies.

Probably my favorite Tom Cruise movie. He's such a sociopath in this, I loved it. I didn't like Jamie Foxx's performance though, kinda ruined it for me a little.

This Means War
I guess for an action comedy it's pretty good, the cast is great (at least) and it has some funny parts so I would recommend watching it. You're not gonna be blown away but you'll probably be entertained.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Wow, I was pleasantly surprised by this film, it pretty much does most of the things right that Quantum got wrong. The plot from the villain felt actually important, the villain felt a lot more threatening, and of course the cameraman wasn't having a seizure half the time. Don't get me wrong, the film does use a bit of shaky-cam, but it's not at all too often and when used you can still tell what's going on. In fact there was some pretty nice cinematography in this.
The climax of the film was really engaging and epic as well (I hate to use that word but that's all I could think of).
In short, both a great Bond film and a great action film that I really recommend watching.
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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Turner & Hooch (1989)
I liked this movie, it wasn't bad at all.
Though, it was a bit sad when

Spoiler (click to read)

Hooch died.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Well, I got around to watching those Lord of the Rings prequels that everyone's talking about.

The Hunt for Gollum (2009)

Pretty good. I disagree with Pritchard's opinion of Patrick O'Connor's portraying of Gandalf, though. I think it looked fine. I found it going a little boring at times, though. It was basically fight scene after fight scene after fight scene. But, it grew slow at times. I still liked it though.


Born of Hope (2009)

I liked this one a lot better. Probably because it was longer, there was more going on, and there was a larger cast. I was very intrigued by the idea of how Aragorn came to be, and a view of his father's life.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Wreck-It Ralph

Goodness I love this movie. It's pretty much perfect. I'm really glad they were mostly creative and didn't just make it video game references the whole time. The whole movie was flawless and yeah it's really great and everyone should see it

It's emotional and funny and visually great and the animation's really nice and expressive and everything is just done so good and the plot twists are great and the ideas and and and yeah! It's super great.

Also, Paperman was amazing. It's beautiful and great and auygh it's so good

Basically everyone needs to see Wreck It Ralph. Both it and Paperman are just too good hauuuggh

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Wreck-It-Ralph (2012)

I enjoyed this film a lot. But, I think I liked the short film better than the actual movie. mini/tongue

Wreck-It-Ralph: 9/10
Paper Man: 10/10

The Dark Knight (2008)

I re-watched this, for the sake of TDKR coming out in a few weeks. I would say this one is the best of the trilogy, but I haven't seen the last one yet.


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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Avengers

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Hilarious. Seth MacFarlane is awesome.

End Of Watch

Sweet movie. I'm a big fan of "Training Day" so this was a sweet piece of candy for me. Great performance by the whole cast.

Liam Neeson at his best mini/smile

The Grey
Wolves don't act like that in real life but hey it's a movie mini/lol  the cinematography was epic though.

An ambitious film which tries and fails hard. It gave me the feeling that it was "unfinished", the cast was great and the fight scenes were epic (very realistic which is different from other films).

Last edited by Leo's World (November 12, 2012 (05:30pm))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog
I watched the first act of this at a summer camp this summer but I only just watched the rest of it. I've got to say, this movie is so sad and funny and beautiful and above all true. Despite the obvious absurdity of the plot this video is a pretty accurate and kinda shocking commentary on society and life even. I was not sure what to expect for the ending, and as Dr. Horrible starts losing many of his morals and taking more extreme measures the ending becomes even less obvious. It's kind of remarkable that one of the most powerful films I've seen is a 45 minute musical... mini/lol

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Wreck-It Ralph

An awesome Disney film. Something I found very interesting here was some of the dramatic scenes, such as the one where

Spoiler (click to read)

Raplh wrecks Vanellope's car.

This scene actually really surprised me because I've never seen such a dramatic scene in a Disney film. I also thought the story was really great, and had some very good twists. The film also had some cool gaming references as well. Go see it for sure.

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Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I love to see wreck-it Ralph , But too bad its not released in Australia yet mini/rolleyes

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2

Well... I don't even know what to say, usually I would write an insight full and long review but I just can't here... I'll maybe come back to this thread and talk more about it but for now i'll just say that it was really funny.

1/5    2/10

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Why did you even bother watching that?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

topitmunkeydog wrote:

Why did you even bother watching that?

I'm quite perplexed as to that as well...

Did you mistake it for any other movie? Were you forced against your will? Were you no in the right state of mind or something?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Lucas obviously has a sister...


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

lol noooo, I dont have a sister, and I also dont have a girlfriend. I wanted to see this movie, especially early on when all the fans are there. People know that I criticize Twilight alot but I cant do that until Ive seen the film cause otherwise I would just be hating on something because others hate it. the movie was ust how I hoped it would be. really, really funny. but the ending pissed me the f**** off.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Lincoln (2012)

This was an astounding film. Some of Sally Field's best work, in my opinion. I wasn't sure if a non-American actor could pull off the role of a U.S President, but Daniel Day-Lewis' Oscar-worthy acting and makeup proved me wrong.


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