Re: What was the last movie you watched?

LarryStudios wrote:

John Carter
A great Sci-Fi movie, underrated IMO.

I definitely agree. That movie got a bad rap, but really, in my opinion it is a great sci-fi film. Not really a classic or anything, but still a fun watch.

Troodon wrote:

The Lord Of The Rings; The Return Of The King
Okay, so the first two movies were good. But this one was absolutely mindblowing. I feel like i've seen the most amazing movie of all time.  There was only one moment in the first two movies that made me cry, which was:

Spoiler (click to read)

Boromir's death

But the third one was filled with so many sad moments. It was executed so well. And I loved the ending. When

Spoiler (click to read)

The ring was cast into mount doom

Me and my friends stood up and clapped. NEVER IN MY LIFE have I seen an audience salute a movie when it ended, and yet it happened. The movie was fantastic. It's now #1 on my top 10 list of movies.


You have. mini/smile Those are my all time favourite movies. Seen a lot of films since I first watched those but none of them have touched the LOTR trilogy for best movie of all time (IMO at least, I know there are plenty of people who disagree). I have to say though. A not to distant second is the Nolan Batman Trilogy.

Oh yeah, hope you don't mind my added emphasis in your quote. mini/smile

Last edited by AnW (October 16, 2012 (08:40am))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

October Baby and Singing in the Rain
October Baby was better than I expected, the acting was good, it had a good story, and the locations were nice.  It wasn't one of those I-need-to-see-this-again-RIGHT-NOW kind of movies, but was worth the two hours.
Singing in the Rain, I just re-watched this, the last time being about 8 years ago mini/eek  It was really good!  I loved the song Make 'Em Laugh!  Someone really needs to make an original, amazing, and quality musical brickfilm.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)

Well, I enjoyed that! I decided to watch the last two, so I can watch The Hobbit when it comes out. I liked the war scenes and the parts with Gollum. mini/tongue  But, I probably liked the first one better than this one. I felt like the beginning was a bit slow at parts. I'll admit, I didn't spot Jackson's cameo this time, though.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Wait, Jackson had a cameo in all three movies? mini/eek

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

@Mighty Wanderer

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Cool! I think I remember recognizing him in Bree, but I had no idea that was him in the last two. mini/tongue  Well, I'm definitely going to watch for him in the Hobbit movies.

Last edited by Mighty Wanderer (October 20, 2012 (08:22am))

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Sinister was a great creepy film. Highly recommend it,

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Book of Eli

The plot was superb and fitted together perfectly, while Denzel Washington was fantastic as Eli. It's a little violently graphic at times, but if you don't mind that, I'd highly recommend this film.

I don't make Brickfilms. I trade virtual hats.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Fascinating documentary by Keanu Reeves about the transition from film to digital format in cinema.  It was really interesting to see what directors had to say about it, many were in favour of digital, but some failed to see the advantage.  Highly recommended to anyone who has an interest in film and film production.
PITCH Part 1 Out Now!
Part 2 Coming Soon

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Avengers (2012)
Well, that definitely lived up to how awesome everybody has said it is.

Madagascar: Europe's Most Wanted
I've always loved these movies. It gave me a few good laughs and I overall enjoyed it... Especially

Spoiler (click to read)


The Bourne Legacy (2012)
I've never seen a Bourne movie before so I was a bit confused at some parts.

Spoiler (click to read)

The ending was an obvious Leeds into the next movie.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

LASF, watch the Bourne movies. Now. mini/lol mini/XD

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

German film about Hitler's last few months living in a bunker. Pretty good film.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Genzarata wrote:

The Book of Eli

The plot was superb and fitted together perfectly, while Denzel Washington was fantastic as Eli. It's a little violently graphic at times, but if you don't mind that, I'd highly recommend this film.

Yep, the cinematography and editing of this one is superb + what ya already mentioned. Denzel is awesome!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Book of boring more like it. John Carter was great.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Outsider wrote:

Book of boring more like it. John Carter was great.

Can you please add something to the conversasation, like WHY the movie was boring?  Say more than John Carter was great, why?  Did you like the story, was it the special effects, was it the cinimatgraphy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Pan's Labyrinth

I enjoyed it alot. It wasn't what I was expecting it too be as it says "Horror" as one of the genre of the movie but I wouldn't agree with that. There's alot of violence in it but that doesn't make it a horror movie.
I loved how it managed to mix in more fairytale elements while still being in a realistic mature world, it's like Alice in Wonderland for adults which I really enjoyed. The music is forgettable but nice while in the moment, the acting is fantastic even though the movie is in Spanish so I didn't understand alot of what they were saying but it worked cause it added another level of realism in the film (cause you know, not every country speaks English).
One part that bothered me was the ending and i'm not gonna spoil what happens so you'll have to see the movie to find out what it is. Great movie but I still don't get how it could have recieved such high praise from everyone.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

JonnDthunDer wrote:
Outsider wrote:

Book of boring more like it. John Carter was great.

Can you please add something to the conversasation, like WHY the movie was boring?  Say more than John Carter was great, why?  Did you like the story, was it the special effects, was it the cinimatgraphy?

It seems Outsider rarely replies to critical posts, so don't expect a reply, and certainly not a pleasant one. Ignoring him is fast becoming more effective than trying to convince him to contribute something useful.

Family Guy Star Wars Trilogy

I've watched these films so many times and I still find them hilarious. They're not perfect, and some of the jokes miss their mark, but the majority are fantastic. And oh, the references! Absolutely brilliant comedies.

I don't make Brickfilms. I trade virtual hats.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)

I think this is my favorite of the series, and my 4th favorite movie of all time. I'm really glad I started this series, because I really loved this. So, the review. The fight scenes were spectacular, the pacing was just about right (but it felt a bit slow at a few parts), and the scene with Frodo and Sam in Mordor had me on the edge of my seat. I didn't cry though, but I did clap at the end like Troodon did. I am sad, however, that the trilogy's over. But, that just means I'll be waiting for The Hobbit movies. I also managed to spot both Jackson's cameos.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Sky High
Yeah, I still really like this movie. Some of the effects were definitely not spot-on, but the rest were. Most of the jokes worked really well, and some little comedic spots definitely added humor. The storyline itself was pretty predictable, but that didn't really take away from the rest of the film.

My Fair Lady
Another one of my favorite movies. There was a fair amount of mild language, but thankfully nothing too bad. There were some really cool shots thrown in, my favorites would probably be when

Spoiler (click to read)

Freddy is waiting for Eliza outside of Higgins' house.

The songs were great, too. Very memorable. I'm certainly going to watch this again sometime.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Born of Hope
Another LOTR fan film. Just like The Hunt for Gollum, you can watch both films on the huntforgollum channel.
Now, for the review.
It is the story of Aragorn's parents. Very sad. It was better than The Hunt for Gollum, but the acting wasn't very good in some parts. I say, the movie was almost as sad as The Return of the King (my favorite movie of all time).