Re: What was the last movie you watched?

loved the princes bride aswell...

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Fantastic Sci-Fi movie, with a very clever plot.  JG-L did a really good job as a young Bruce Willis (and the prosthetic make-up was actually very convincing).  It also surprised me in some places, turning out to be quite violent and transgressive.

Spoiler (click to read)

Bruce Willis shooting kids springs to mind

Possibly my favourite film of the year next to TDKR

Last edited by Saminatorger (October 5, 2012 (02:36am))
PITCH Part 1 Out Now!
Part 2 Coming Soon

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Awesome. Loved the little kid.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Rsteenoven wrote:


Awesome. Loved the little kid.

Agree with you there!
PITCH Part 1 Out Now!
Part 2 Coming Soon

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Frankenweenie (2012)

At first I thought, "Oh, another Burton film. Eh, I'll give it a shot." But I ended up liking it more than I thought. Plus, I also wanted to see it because it was stop-motion animation. But, I liked it.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I always find Tim Burton's characters rather nauseating for some reason.... (U detect the sarcasm?)

"Doc seriously, do that one more time without warning me first and I'll flip this examination table and roundhouse kick you in the face." - Adam young

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Billion Dollar Hobo
Eh, it was alright. A regular Tim Conway slapstick/comedy movie. Not much more to say.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

It was a good movie, I love Tim Burton films. It did make me a little sad though because the dog, Sparky, reminded me of my dog that we put down in August.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Princess Bride

So good, so wonderful.
I love this film. mini/smile

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Battleship (2012)

Didn't see all of it, but I understood the main point of it. When I first saw the trailer, I thought it was going to be super lame. But, it was decent...and better than Transformers. Didn't care for the overuse of all the VFX, however.


Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Saw this at a sleepover last night. I decided to ignore the fact that it was from the producers of Moonrise Kingdom. This was actually my first time seeing this, and I'd never read the book either, so I didn't know what to expect. Upon it's original release a few years back, I wasn't crazy about seeing it. But, since one of my favorite film composers, Alexandre Desplat, had done the score for it, I decided to give it a shot. It was really funny, but the animation seemed to bug me a little. There were parts that I noticed some light flicker and the characters were moving a little too quickly. I was expecting the animation to be more like that of Chicken Run. don't know if that was intentional (and it was Anderson's first try at stop-motion animation), but it was a top-notch film.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?


Awesome movie!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Here Comes the Boom (2012)

A film about a big Dutch guy who teaches yoga helps a high school biology teacher fight a big-time wrestler in Las Vegas. Probably the first original thing that Sandler could come up with.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mickey wrote:

But, it was decent...


This just doesn't correlate well...

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

This just doesn't correlate well...

How do you mean?

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Decency is more so adequacy, and 8/10 is a relatively good rating. I think it would be more appropriate if it were rated 5/10 or 6/10 based on your review.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Hunt For Gollum
LOTR fan film. Pretty good. Infact, you can watch it for free on YouTube on thehuntforgolum channel. Some of the acting wasn't that good, but the CGI made up for it.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

I saw the trailer they made for that, and I totally forgot about it till now mini/madhead .  I'm going to have to go and watch it...I remember the trailer looking good!

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Perfect Storm (2000)

It was great, really. And James Horner's inspiring score adds on to its greatness. Except for one thing...

Spoiler (click to read)

everyone died

. I'm sorry, but I'm used to all those happy endings.


Oliver! (1968)

Well, that certainly was better than Roman Polanksi's overly dark-toned version from 2005. Now, I've learned all the songs and things just in time for auditions for the production at my community theatre. I'll be trying out for the part of the Artful Dodger!


Sorry, Chris. I fixed it.

Last edited by Mickey (October 15, 2012 (07:22pm))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mickey wrote:

The Perfect Storm (2000)

It was great, really. And James Horner's inspiring score adds on to its greatness. Except for one thing...

Spoiler (click to read)

everyone died.

I'm sorry, but I'm used to all those happy endings.


1.) You need to expand your genres of movies then if that bothers you.

2.) Use spoiler tags.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Just watched the Hunt for Gollum, thanks for the recommendation, Troodon mini/wink It was alright. I don't really know how to phrase what I didn't like about it, the atmosphere was strange, and I felt there was a general lack of continuity.

Last night we did a Star Wars marathon (original trilogy, obviously), which was freaking awesome. mini/delirium
They are all amazing (especially looking at today's standard for the genre), but my favorite is the Empire Strikes Back, and I find Return of the Jedi to be the worst of the three. I hadn't seen them in a while, and this was my first time seeing them all like that, so it just amazing, epic, get the point. Also, I'm in the process of downloading the despecialized editions, and I'm really looking forward to seeing those.