Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Total Recall (2012)
Eurgh. Started off OK, I liked to look of The Colony. After about 20 minutes of setup it essentially just became one long action sequence. Which got tiring really, really quickly. Gave me the worst headache. Colin Farrell and Brian Cranston were good. But it just didn't work very well for so many reasons. And I do not understand the appeal of Jessica Biel.
Nowhere near as good as the original. The action was OK but there was too much, to the point where I was just tired and a little bored. Kinda ran out of steam when they got to the United Federation of Britain or whatever. But I didn't really get annoyed or irritated at the movie until like the third act, where everything just felt really phoned-in.
Again, the best part of this film was the action, I honestly thought they did that fairly well, there just needed to be less. The best action scene was the first scene, and that lasted for like a minute.
Eh. I dunno. Would have been better as a 90 minute thing.
Also the ending was just weird and awkward.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Rusty (on ParaNorman) wrote:

I hear the pacing of the plot is a little out of whack.

I somewhat agree with that. I think it just jumps into the entire plot at about 10-15 minutes, and speeds into the action from there, which did seem a tad bit weird. I might have to see it again to go more in depth on the pacing.

Mickey wrote:

Saw this at a lock-in last night (I stayed up all night long)

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby
It was okay, I laughed once or twice. Overall, it wasn't anything special.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Gone With the Wind (1939)

This is, no doubt, the longest film I've ever seen. I hate romance films, but this was a reasonable exception.


Adventures in Babysitting (1987)

Funny, yes. But, I feel the plot is unoriginal. I've just seen lots of stuff like this.


Spartacus (1960)

If I'm gonna start watching Kubrick's films, I should start here. It was a bit slow and boring at parts, but overall, I liked it very much.


Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Mickey wrote:

Gone With the Wind (1939)

This is, no doubt, the longest film I've ever seen. I hate romance films, but this was a reasonable exception.


Adventures in Babysitting (1987)

Funny, yes. But, I feel the plot is unoriginal. I've just seen lots of stuff like this.


Spartacus (1960)

If I'm gonna start watching Kubrick's films, I should start here. It was a bit slow and boring at parts, but overall, I liked it very much.


I think Spartacus is one of Kubricks weaker movies, but it's clearly a decent one but not more in my opinion.

My own favourites from Kubrick, who is one of my favourite director is,

Dr Strangelove, Paths of Glory, The Killing and Eyes Wide Shut.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Iron Man 2
I think I liked it better than the first one. The comedy and action was so much better, not to even mention the plot! The only problem was that this did not have "Back In Black" in it mini/sad

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Dinosaur Project
It had potential, but was ruined by poor acting, shoddy effects, and a plot that went nowhere.  The whole film was spent building up to a non-existent climax.  And if you're gonna call a film 'The Dinosaur Project', you expect there to be a whole array of creatures, but instead there were 2-3 different types at most.  And what's more stupid is they have a regular

Spoiler (click to read)

Dilophosaurus (Dinosaur that spits poison), then a T-Rex size one!

(and they couldn't even be bothered to make a larger separate CGI model, it is literally an upscaled version of the regular one)

PITCH Part 1 Out Now!
Part 2 Coming Soon

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Bourne Legacy
Wow! At first I thought, "Oh here comes another movie, wait, doesn't have Matt Damon, HA!" Meaning I thought it wouldn't be all that good. To my surprise it has the guy who plays Hawkeye, and is in MI4:Ghost Protocol. This movie was great! I like every second of it. The ending was quite a different twist. The movie was action packed, I loved the parkour, and it truly was, "The Bourne Legacy." Great movie, lots of gun shots, nothing too gruesome. Wonderful movie.

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Real Steel

Pretentious characters with a really annoying kid, extremely predictable storyline, mediocre acting even from Hugh Jackman. The Directing was awful from a director that has never been good with any of his movies.
The heart is there but it's never developed enough but the visual effects guys really deserves their academy nomination for their job as it really looked believable on screen.
All in all, an unengaged movie that could have been worse and a hell of alot better than what it was. For a film like that to work it needs a smarter script but it was entertaining while it lasted with fantastic visual effects.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Bad Ass

I didn't expect much from it so it turned out fine.

It was good, but a little overrated imo.

Evil Dead 2
Awesome! I love it. I'm gonna watch Army of Darkness tonight. (I've seen Evil dead Trilogy when I was like 10-11 years old so a decade later it's like a new discovery for me).

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Pirates! Band of Misfits/An Adventure with Scientists

That was pretty great.
I loved the voice acting, sets, crazy plot, and animation. It's really nice to see stop-motion on a professional level.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:

The Pirates! Band of Misfits/An Adventure with Scientists

That was pretty great.
I loved the voice acting, sets, crazy plot, and animation. It's really nice to see stop-motion on a professional level.

saw that yesterday to...

was explaining to someone that Aardman is pretty much the god of stop motion...

it had amazing sets, awesome voice acting, and a whole bunch of little jokes....

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The New Daughter

Well, it was ok...

Actors weren't that bad, though.

Spoiler (click to read)

But the ending sucked...

Why are you looking at my signature?
Mod edit: Your signature started it.
... Oh yeah.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Edward Scissorhands
That was a really interesting movie...too bad it was so sad mini/sad mini/twitch

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Radioactive Wolves of Chernobyl
Although it was a pretty cool documentary, it really didn't say anything about why the wolves are able to survive and thrive in these heightened conditions of radioactivity. Still, there was some really great footage and it's a really touching story. The bits where they go into the abandoned city is really creepy but it's really uplifting to actually see how that abandoned land has gone back in the hands of nature.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

John Carter
A great Sci-Fi movie, underrated IMO.

Black Swan
Didn't like it as much as The Wrestler, but I do admire Aronofsky's work so I was satisfied with this.

A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas
For a Friday night movie it was pretty good. Probably my favorite Harold and Kumar film actually.

True Grit
A western without the usual western'ish cliches. I did enjoy this one although IMO it's overrated a little.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Lord Of The Rings; The Return Of The King
Okay, so the first two movies were good. But this one was absolutely mindblowing. I feel like i've seen the most amazing movie of all time.  There was only one moment in the first two movies that made me cry, which was:

Spoiler (click to read)

Boromir's death

But the third one was filled with so many sad moments. It was executed so well. And I loved the ending. When

Spoiler (click to read)

The ring was cast into mount doom

Me and my friends stood up and clapped. NEVER IN MY LIFE have I seen an audience salute a movie when it ended, and yet it happened. The movie was fantastic. It's now #1 on my top 10 list of movies.


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

The Lorax
Pretty good movie, I enjoyed it.

Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Friday night I rewatched (for the like 5000th time or something) The Princess Bride...FAVORITE MOVIE EVER!!!!
It just the bestest in the world, I love it. The book is also amazing, but the movie is touches my soul mini/tongue
It's so romantic and adventurous and everything, I could go on about it forever, but you're probably not yeah, it's only like the best movie of all time. (Or at least one of them) mini/yes mini/delirium

PS If you haven't seen it...
    watch it...
    or else..


Last edited by Realm of the Unreel (October 1, 2012 (08:27pm))


Re: What was the last movie you watched?

Yep! same here mini/bigsmile

The last thing I watched was Star Trek: Nemesis
Better then Wrath of Khan, not quite as good as First Contact.
