Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

That would be an absolute pain to animate, though.


Digging up the Past by peggyjdb, on Flickr

Brickstory already mentioned Alex Eylar/Profound Whatever, but I've found this creation to be especially inspiring:

Plummeting Man by Profound Whatever, on Flickr

I would highly recommend browsing through his entire photostream, he has some really great MOCs.  Even smaller, simpler set-ups such as this or this still are beautifully lit and have a wonderfully cinematic feel.

And these:

Lego Tintin Land of Black Gold by Brickbaron, on Flickr

(I'm a huge fan of Tintin; he was one of my childhood heroes, so I felt really happy when I saw this.)

Together Forever by The Deathly Halliwell, on Flickr

Beautiful; but, alas, totally impractical for brickfilming.

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

Those all look so neat.  I'm a huge fan of Tintin too. mini/smile

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

Not entirely sure if this is worthy of a bump (though it does say "figs" in the title), but here goes.

This is probably the only custom minifigure out there that I actually like the look of.
Johann Kraus by Fine Clonier, on Flickr

I'm not really sure why; perhaps it's the simplicity of it.  Most custom minfigs look hyper-detailed and horrible, or are very crudely made, but I could easily see this being an official LEGO minifig (although the torso printing is a bit dodgy).  Haven't seen Hellboy II or read the comics (though I really want to do both of those things), but I love the idea behind the character of Johann Kraus.

Also, this.

Also, can someone else please post something too?  I kinda feel like I'm the only one who posts inspiration stuff here... mini/confused

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread City by Rogue Bantha, on Flickr

Love space cities, or sci-fi cities in general.

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

This is the point where my jaw drops.

I'm glad most of these epic-MOCers don't do stop-motion. They'd put all of our sets to shame.
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

I really want to start a conversation or thread or movie about ways we could add depth, scale and enormity to our brickfilms, if this shot had been in a film I know ways I could make it look way bigger, sadly the way MOCs are displayed and photographed is about showing everything rather then deceiving viewers into thinking they are even bigger.

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

I was so proud of the set design I managed to accomplish in Manhole, but all it takes is some time on Flickr to make the very best sets I have build look like amateur hour, I just love the way the walls look in this, it is so utterly fantastic, I have been going on a crusade in my own films against boring looking walls but there has not been much past variation and improvement on one single design theme, this on the other hand is just jaw dropping. years of Doctor Who – The 11th Doctor’s TARDIS Console Room by Xenomurphy, on Flickr

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

Just plain awesome!

"None practice tolerance less frequently than those who most loudly preach it."

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread creature in the dark by Legonardo Davidy, on Flickr

Does any one know any tutorials on non-square edged LEGO building, I feel like a lot of images like these are a little to busy, expecially on the landscape side of things for most Brickfilms but I would really love a film that separates it's self from the typical squareness of most brickfilms

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

I often wonder why the people who build like this, and brickfilmers, are never the same people. mini/tongue

And then I remembered your Doctor Who set. mini/tongue

I don't think this kind of building can be taught with a tutorial. There are too many different methods for too many different situations.

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

This is one impressive MOC.  Both in scale and technique.

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

Anything by Blake Baer and Jack Bittner is great, but this is my personal favorite.

Thier builds have both inspired me as an aspiring castle builder and a brickfilmer.

The Third Arrival is out now!
--"The sun's not yellow, it's chicken!"

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

That is amazing. You're right, their other work is spectacular too - I took a quick look at that Erebor.
"Nothing goes down 'less I'm involved. No nuggets. No onion rings. No nothin'. A cheeseburger gets sold in the park, I want in! You got fat while we starved on the it's my turn!" -Harley Morenstein

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

Saw this on Lego Ideas website: 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea.
It has to reach over 5,000 more supporters in the next 5 days, before it can be reviewed by staff of Lego. Support now!

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread

I think this is pretty cool. It's less detailed than most stuff here but I like space ships and sci-fi.

I do not brickfilm anymore, but you can see my live action stuff here.

Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread Star corridor by Paganomation, on Flickr

Paganomation's designs for the Death Star's interior have been a huge inspiration for some of my latest Star Wars projects (especially his designs for the Imperial wall lights).