Re: The Sets, Props and Figs Inspiration Thread
That would be an absolute pain to animate, though.
Digging up the Past by peggyjdb, on Flickr
Brickstory already mentioned Alex Eylar/Profound Whatever, but I've found this creation to be especially inspiring:
Plummeting Man by Profound Whatever, on Flickr
I would highly recommend browsing through his entire photostream, he has some really great MOCs. Even smaller, simpler set-ups such as this or this still are beautifully lit and have a wonderfully cinematic feel.
And these:
Lego Tintin Land of Black Gold by Brickbaron, on Flickr
(I'm a huge fan of Tintin; he was one of my childhood heroes, so I felt really happy when I saw this.)
Together Forever by The Deathly Halliwell, on Flickr
Beautiful; but, alas, totally impractical for brickfilming.
&Smeagol make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph I dunno women are expensive