Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Ceej wrote:

323: When you can come up with a title that does not contain the word "Lego".

That is the #1 overused thing to appear in a title. Especially when the creators of them refer brickfilms as LEEGO MUUVIES.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:
KTproductions121 wrote:

325. You buy Lego for no reason and Wasted your money.

You can't waste your money on LEGO.


Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

328. You trash your fabulous idea no matter how great it'll be, just because you saw a brickfilm similar.
You should be ashamed. mini/shifty

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:
KTproductions121 wrote:

325. You buy Lego for no reason and Wasted your money.

You can't waste your money on LEGO.

Well the currency is high in Australia mini/blankexpression

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

329. you have a Lego version of yourself.

My website is in construction!

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

KTproductions121 wrote:
AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:
KTproductions121 wrote:

325. You buy Lego for no reason and Wasted your money.

You can't waste your money on LEGO.

Well the currency is high in Australia mini/blankexpression

I think he means that with Lego, you can always take apart a set and use it to build your own stuff.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

330. You wanna make a brickfilm about your love life. mini/blankexpression

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Mickey wrote:

330. You wanna make a brickfilm about your love life. mini/blankexpression

I'm surprised that Smeagol hasn't made one yet. It would be 4 hours long and in the form of a documentary.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

331. You spend more money on LEGO sets than food.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Troodon wrote:
Mickey wrote:

330. You wanna make a brickfilm about your love life. mini/blankexpression

I'm surprised that Smeagol hasn't made one yet. It would be 4 hours long and in the form of a documentary.

You, sir, made me laugh way too hard.
BRAWL 2013 ENTRY Quack In Time
"Why in the world did you do a weird language if you know English?" - tenny1028

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...


332. You have 331 ways to tell you're a brickfilmer.
333. You rush through your homework to get to brickfilming.
334. Your room looks like a miniature LEGO shop.
335. Your love life involves LEGOs (yes, I'm a teen without a gf mini/wink)
2nd place Darkness and Light entry: The Tree
Behind the Scenes

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

336.  Your friends little brother want to learn to "make legos move" after watching your videos.
337.  When you think about how cool nearly every movie scene would be made into a brickfilm.
338.  You spend two and a half hours at a small LEGO stores Pick a Brick wall wondering if brown and tan or white and black would be better wall/trim colors.
339.  When you have 2x2hour plane rides, and you spend most of that time storyboarding your next movie.
340.  If your list of awesome brickfilms you want to make some day is longer than your Christmas (wish) List.

Last edited by JonnDthunDer (November 20, 2012 (11:35pm))

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

341. You don't need a love life, because you have LEGO and LEGO has you. mini/lol   mini/tongue

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

342. ...when you animate with LEGO!

The obvious one someone probably said before me, if not... wtf?

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

backyardlegos wrote:
AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:
KTproductions121 wrote:

325. You buy Lego for no reason and Wasted your money.

You can't waste your money on LEGO.


Thirded. mini/tongue

Retribution (3rd place in BRAWL 2015)

&Smeagol      make the most of being surrounded by single, educated women your own age on a regular basis in college
AquaMorph    I dunno women are expensive

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

... you help a thread about when you know you're a brickfilmer get to 19 pages

1011Ev wrote:

341. You don't need a love life, because you have LEGO and LEGO has you. mini/lol   mini/tongue

what about when LEGO dumps you and kicks you out of the apartment

what are you then


"a functioning member of society"

Smoking marijuana, eating Cheez Doodles, and masterfully debating do not constitute 'plans' in my book - Walter 'Heisenberg' White

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Shale wrote:

... you help a thread about when you know you're a brickfilmer get to 19 pages

1011Ev wrote:

341. You don't need a love life, because you have LEGO and LEGO has you. mini/lol   mini/tongue

what about when LEGO dumps you and kicks you out of the apartment

what are you then


"a functioning member of society"



Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

343: When you go camping, you take a little box of LEGO with you to play with on the rainy days.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

FlyingMinifig wrote:
backyardlegos wrote:
AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:

You can't waste your money on LEGO.


Thirded. mini/tongue


Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

344) Whenever you go to the lego store you want to buy the whole shop