Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

does it actually help?

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

307 your desktop only has icons of movie scripts on it

Makerimages animations is back!

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

308: When you realise your hobby is sitting in a dark room taking pictures of lego
309: When you start referencing brickfilms in everyday conversation with people

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

310: when you get to school and tell your best friend and anyone willing to listen that yesterday was great because you spent 6 hours in your room and animated a 20 second scene which looked great! And they zone out.
311: you try to explain to everyone what 4k means, why it matters to them, and why it's awesome that you can shoot at that quality without a red cam. Even if it's just Lego. mini/tongue
(and when you find that you need to buy an external hard drive to store your original footage. True story. Yesterday's shoot took the free space on my dad's hard drive from 40 free gigabytes down to 3. In one day!)
312: you carry a little notebook around in your backpack wherever you go to write down ideas for Brickfilms.
313: most of your favorite songs, or just when you listen to music, makes you want to animate the lyrics.

Last edited by Realm of the Unreel (August 16, 2012 (02:17pm))

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

314: When you are in school and you are asked to say one of your hobbies and when you say brickfilming everybody gives you a funny look.

Ahhh yeah!!!


Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

315: when 16/9 has special meaning....

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

@ Cooked Cat
Don't you mean 16 x 9, not divided by? Or are you referring to when it's written 16:9? Because when I say it, I always say "sixteen by nine" which is like sixteen times nine, right?
Or when 2.39:1 doesn't just look like a random string of numbers
I've debated whether to shoot at 2.39:1 or 1.77:1 (16x9) but I've settled on 16x9.
Okay sorry for going off topic.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

316 When going to buy a new camera, you take some LEGO-s with you to the store.

Makerimages animations is back!

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Cooked Cat wrote:

does it actually help?

@Cooked Cat
In my case it does because my laptop is right next to my set. Before I did this There were weird bluish tints in my lighting.

So yes, it does help

Last edited by Blue Phoenix (August 21, 2012 (05:19pm))

My website is in construction!

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

317: You fall asleep in class because you animated for 4 hours the previous night.

318:You can't stop talking about Lego.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

and when the teachers say when you ever say this like that i say mini/what  " sometimes i do!"

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

320: You know your a brickfilmer, because your epic!

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

321. You are the only one at school that knows that Forrestfire has made other content besides "The Duck Song".
(And no, I'm not a fan of him, the only thing I like about him is how smooth his brickfilms are).

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

KTproductions121 wrote:

and when the teachers say when you ever say this like that i say mini/what  " sometimes i do!"

Hahaha! Bobby Lee!

322: When your dad gets mad at you because you are making too much "noise" while brick filming at night. (Actually happens to me)

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

323: When you can come up with a title that does not contain the word "Lego".

Bricks In Motion drinking game!

1. Do a shot every time you see a film with "LEGO", "Star Wars", or "Batman/Dark Knight" in the title.
2. Die of alcohol poisoning.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

324) Your parents ask why you were up at 3 in the morning, and your only answer is: "I was brickfilming."
2nd place Darkness and Light entry: The Tree
Behind the Scenes

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

325. You buy Lego for no reason and Wasted your money.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

326. You say "That's a good idea for a BrickFilm."

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

KTproductions121 wrote:

325. You buy Lego for no reason and Wasted your money.

You can't waste your money on LEGO.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

327. You have to help your school's tech support with Vegas and WLMM.