Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

267. you make lego versions of yourself and friends to star in your brick films:o


Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

LarryStudios wrote:

9. you realize your parents think you're kinda weird because you "play" with Lego.

Could not agree more. My dad doesn't like me buying $300 Lego sets just to "play" with least that's what he thinks.

Don't know if these have been mentioned:

268: When you start thinking all heads can do a 360 degree turn.
269: When you can't get up in the morning because you have practically waited all day for the best hours for brickfilming...if you know what I mean mini/wink

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

270: It takes you 45+ minutes to get the lighting right for a scene that takes 15 minuets to animate.

The Ghost of Mrs. Day studios: Home of mediocre brickfilms.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

271: You wish that you could grow up.
272: You checked this entire thread to make sure someone didn't post before you.

Former BRAWL host, 2013-2017
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Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

FuntasticFilms wrote:

271: You wish that you could grow up.

Isn't playing with LEGO kinda anti growing up. I mean, you reject the stereotypical process of getting rid of your toys when you are a teenager and instead choose to embrace your inner 6-12 year old.
Youtube @TheRealSonjira I consider it a personal defeat if my pee is not perfectly clear every time.]

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

I've never wanted to grow up.
Ponies and LEGO are too much fun.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

AnnoyingNoisesProductions wrote:

I've never wanted to grow up.
Ponies and LEGO are too much fun.

My thoughts exactly.

273. You're a teenager and you still have all your Lego.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Sonjira wrote:
FuntasticFilms wrote:

271: You wish that you could grow up.

Isn't playing with LEGO kinda anti growing up. I mean, you reject the stereotypical process of getting rid of your toys when you are a teenager and instead choose to embrace your inner 6-12 year old.

"Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up."

-CS Lewis

"every day I feel more pleased that sigging isn't a thing anymore" - Squash
YOUTUBE | Will voice act, ping me in the discord.
03:52    Smeagol    I should send girls turds in a box
01:28    Smeagol    That signature leaves me wondering if I should be sending more girls more turds in boxes than I presently am

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

274. You stick it to the man and embrace animating LEGO and doing things that are generally considered "childish."

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

275. You find yourself watching a movie and thinking: that scene would look great in LEGO!

- PlainBrick
Formerly MrLegoProductions
Youtube - My Latest Video

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

276. when u can claim back tax on lego(yes I can, sorry(actaully I'm not) to gloat.)

277. when u get a job come through because u make lego movies.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

277.) When you get Sean and Squash mixed up.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

278. When your friends have never heard about your favorite YouTubers.

YouTube channel
N00bToob ebovv

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

rogeralans wrote:

277.) When you get Sean and Squash mixed up.

I think that's only you.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

No, I do it sometimes as well.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Squash wrote:

No, I do it sometimes as well.

Nice mini/tongue

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

279. When you think "Since it's the Internet, i can tallk liek dis olol." mini/tongue

280. When you have a thread in the Production forum, and you think, since you're giving an update, it's okay to double-post.

281. When you post a film, the description is "Funny lego movie. Subscribe me!" even though you're on BiM.

282. When, watching a brickfilm made by another member on YouTube, one of ForrestFire's LEGO Batman videos comes up in the Recommended videos section. mini/rolleyes

283. When a new member posts a LEGO Indiana Jones video, you automatically post a link to Spudster's video.

284. When you come back after a three-and-a-half-week vacation, you look through the forums and exclaim, "Hey, where's the Cafe Corner thread?"

Last edited by Mickey (July 28, 2012 (12:42pm))

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Mickey wrote:

284. When you come back after a three-and-a-half-week vacation, you look through the forums and exclaim, "Hey, where's the Cafe Corner thread?"

When I come back from a three-and-a-half-week vacation, I exclaim, "Hey, nobody posted in the Cafe Corner thread!"

It pretty much died.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Sean wrote:

No, I do it sometimes as well.

Me too.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

285. When you're afraid of the vacuum cleaner.

YouTube channel
N00bToob ebovv