Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

226. You get this strange, green rash underneath your forearm.
227. Everybody calls you 'John.'
228. You find yourself unexpectedly dancing in the backseat during long car rides.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

^^ mini/XD

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Sounds like a great plot for a Robin Williams movie, Jargon

I probably completely missed the joke on account of me probably not understanding what you're referencing

Explain yourself

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

229. When you're always just kidden around, arharharhar.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

230. when your words are jargon to other people

what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

Let's not repeat what roger and I did. mini/XD

231. When you find out a deadline has been extended, you once again wait till the last minute to animate.

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

My sentiments exactly. mini/yes
232.) When you find a interesting Lego piece and immediately think of ways you can incorporate it into an animation cycle with another piece.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

233. You ask to borrow a lego piece from a friend, just because it's a different color from the one you have. mini/XD

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

234. When your friend says they're not into Legos anymore and you imediatly ask "Can I have your Legos then?"

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

235. you realize that the smilies on the forums are similar to the ones on the LEGO website.

My website is in construction!

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

236. When your parents think your animation is better than those who beat you in a contest. mini/lol

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

LASF wrote:

234. When your friend says they're not into Legos anymore and you imediatly ask "Can I have your Legos then?"

That's exactly what got me over 2,000 LEGO pieces back in 2008.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

237. when u want to be as famous as Smegol.... <forgive me if its spelt wrong....

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...


Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

238. You read the credits at the end of a movie.

239. You time the running time of movies with your watch.

Have you seen a big-chinned boy?

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

LASF wrote:

234. When your friend says they're not into Legos anymore and you imediatly ask "Can I have your Legos then?"

I did that with two brothers in my neighborhood ($65 for the largest collection $15 for the smallest now I have very little monney for any more legos.)

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

240. When thinking about trying out for voicing you speak out loud how you want to it sound.

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

241. You know you're a brickfilmer when you spend more time on the forum then making brickfilms... mini/tongue

If I'm on the forums, I'm probably waiting for Blender to finish rendering.

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

242. you think there should be FPMS (frames per milli second)

My website is in construction!

Re: You Know You're a Brickfilmer When...

thekingofbricks wrote:

242. you think there should be FPMS (frames per milli second)

NO!! Please!