Topic: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

The title pretty much sums it up.  I'm looking for software, settings, patches or anything else that will allow me to shoot in a widescreen resolution with my camera.  I usually shoot at 1600 x 1200 (4:3), and then convert crop it to widescreen using virtual dub.  It usually doesn't turn out too well, at times resulting in a noticeable decrease in picture quality.  If you guys know of a way to shoot in 16:9 I'd love to hear it!

What I use:
Logitech webcam settings (most recent version)
Helium Frog
Virtual Dub

Last edited by Walrus (October 23, 2011 (01:42pm))

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

I know the webcam is capable of 1280x720 (I have it). When I open up my frame capture program, Stop Motion Pro, I select a Production/Shot and a Capture Settings window pops up. I can change my resolution there. I don't know if it's the same with Helium Frog, but you should be able to find it somewhere. It might be called Capture Settings or a similar name.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

That certainly helps.  I'll google some of the helium-frog settings to see if they have a similar feature.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

You could also just crop the video, but then you have to shoot the video keeping in mind what you're going to crop out. I used to do this all the time in MonkeyJam by having a widescreen mask on another layer, but I suppose you could also put tape over those parts of the screen.

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Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

minifig051 wrote:

I know the webcam is capable of 1280x720 (I have it). When I open up my frame capture program, Stop Motion Pro, I select a Production/Shot and a Capture Settings window pops up. I can change my resolution there. I don't know if it's the same with Helium Frog, but you should be able to find it somewhere. It might be called Capture Settings or a similar name.

This works in helium frog too I think.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

Look what I found.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

I just shoot in 3:4 and then stick that footage into a 16:9 workspace inside of After Effects.
After that, I usually add some black bars to give it a more cinematic effect.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

I shoot in 4x3 at 9mp and the convert it to 16x9 with Sony Vegas

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

Great tutorial Aquamorph! @Walrus I guess you should try filming at 4:3 and then edit it to 16:9.


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Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

Littlebrick wrote:

You could also just crop the video, but then you have to shoot the video keeping in mind what you're going to crop out.

I usually do crop to get my widescreen format, it works semi-well.  My main issue (I should probably have clarified this) is when I render an avi of the original avi there is a major decrease in the picture quality.  What I want to know is if the LQCP9K is capable of shooting in 16:9 for the original film.  Judging from the other posts this probably isn't possible.

Anyways, you've all been very helpful and I appreciate your advice!  Cheers!

Last edited by Walrus (October 23, 2011 (01:43pm))

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

That's strange. I can film in widescreen through Stop Motion Pro. I have the resolution set at 1280x720, that's widescreen.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

I believe monkeyjam only allows options for 4:3 resolutions. And the largest, 1600x1200 doesn't even fit onto most monitors, so I'm stuff with filming in 800x600 and then cropping it to 16:9.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

minifig051 wrote:

That's strange. I can film in widescreen through Stop Motion Pro. I have the resolution set at 1280x720, that's widescreen.

What fps are you filming at..?  I didn't think SMP could do 1280x720 at 15fps.  I'm probably wrong though


Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

AngryChair wrote:
minifig051 wrote:

That's strange. I can film in widescreen through Stop Motion Pro. I have the resolution set at 1280x720, that's widescreen.

What fps are you filming at..?  I didn't think SMP could do 1280x720 at 15fps.  I'm probably wrong though


That's exactly the fps and resolution I film at.

By the way, I have SMP Action! HD. The Action! and Action! Plus versions have a maximum res of 800x600. Action! HD allows you to choose any resolution your camera can do.

Not literally dead, just no longer interested in Lego or animation.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

That's strange as I have SMP Action! HD also.  When I was testing with the 9000 the drop down menu for the resolutions wouldn't show 1280x720 at 15fps.  I think from memory it was for 5fps.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

Do it in 4:3, and when you upload to youtube, put   "yt:stretch=16:9"   in the tags
The Youtube channel of god
fyi: I am now known as Fat Cat Films on youtube. Formerly DDProductions

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

yt:crop=16:9 will probably be more useful.

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

Not a bad idea.  Is used to film in 4:3 and use either Virtual Dub I think it's called to handle the stretching.  Does YT cut anything off the top and bottom..?

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

If you use crop it does. If you use stretch it just stretches it
The Youtube channel of god
fyi: I am now known as Fat Cat Films on youtube. Formerly DDProductions

Re: Shooting 16:9 with Logitech Quickcam Pro 9000?

DDProductions wrote:

If you use crop it does. If you use stretch it just stretches it

Stretching it makes it look terrible. Especially if you have titles and credits in, it stretches those, too.