Re: The Animation Challenge

Demolition... interesting.
That sparks several ideas!

Re: The Animation Challenge

I will definately enter as well!

Re: The Animation Challenge here's my entry

Re: The Animation Challenge

Not sure if this counts, but it's worth a shot.  Watch it on YouTube!

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the LORD for ever."
~ Psalm 23:6 ~

Re: The Animation Challenge

Hello, I'm the CEO of Mini Elf Productions and I'm new to the community and here's my entry to the demolition contest. Here goes nothing mini/smile. -Mini Elf Productions

Re: The Animation Challenge

shame i cant enter this...:

cool theme thou

Re: The Animation Challenge

Ya I know mini/sad it was really well done though.


I'm a Brickfilmer that loves smooth animation and attention to detail.

Re: The Animation Challenge

here's my entry:
If I have time, I might make another version without the rendering errors.

DISCLAIMER: contains some violence.

Re: The Animation Challenge

Here's my entry:

(I hope it isn't too late.)

Now officially titled "Lost Acronym Filmer"

Re: The Animation Challenge

Its not too late you still have eleven hours


I'm a Brickfilmer that loves smooth animation and attention to detail.

Re: The Animation Challenge

Hi and thanks for this fun contest! I am very new to stop motion and this is my first contest. Hope you like it! mini/tongue mini/lol

Re: The Animation Challenge

Here is my entry

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  -John 14:6Authorized Version

Re: The Animation Challenge

Ok I have made a decision the winner is jcsstudios his animation was smooth and I really liked how he made brick based explosions and made pieces fly out of scene so good job you get to host the next challenge. But overall I think everyone who entered did a great job, its been fun judging all of your entry's.


I'm a Brickfilmer that loves smooth animation and attention to detail.

Re: The Animation Challenge

congratulations jcsstudios!

Re: The Animation Challenge

Congratulations Jcs Studios!

Now officially titled "Lost Acronym Filmer"

Re: The Animation Challenge

Bummer I didn't win theres always next time. Congrats jcs studios!!!

Re: The Animation Challenge

Alright, the theme is Parkour

For those of you who  do not know what parkour is: Parkour is the activity or sport of moving rapidly through an area, typically in an urban environment, negotiating obstacles by running, jumping, and climbing.

So basically what I'm looking for is running, jumping and climbing all in the same video, or at least two of those things.It probably should be in an urban environment, however I have nothing against ,like, a wooded forest  or something creative.Just use your imagination this should be fun:) .

The contest ends at midnight Monday and I will announce the winners Tuesday afternoon.

         -J. C. S.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."  -John 14:6Authorized Version

Re: The Animation Challenge

interesting!  Cool theme! mini/smile

Re: The Animation Challenge

Sounds like a fun challenge! good luck to everyone entering! mini/bigsmile I will totally enter this!

Re: The Animation Challenge

I am just finishing up the Karate pig's production, so I might be able to finally enter this.