Re: The Animation Challenge

I was planning on making an entry, but a film I'm working on got in the way. I might throw together an entry, but don't count on it.

Re: The Animation Challenge

I would have entered but I don't have a rope or vine or chain or something like that so it's harder to think of an idea.

Re: The Animation Challenge

Legosaber, what about a piece of common string?

Re: The Animation Challenge

I guess I could have done that.

Re: The Animation Challenge

I'll see what I can do.

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: The Animation Challenge

OK....MrLego and 1011Ev, how long do you think it would take ya'll to finish your entries? And would a deadline of the 9th be long enough? Monkeys, go ahead and re-make yours. I understand that extending the deadline is unfair to you, so you're more than welcome to re-enter.

And folks, please remember that the challenge is nothing more or less than the action of swinging on a rope/vine thingie. Extra padding making it worthy of releases, while nice and usually very cool and/or funny, isn't necessary. While I would use it to help in case of a tie, the majority of the judging will be on the action itself. So for those that haven't started yet, you still have plenty of time to enter.

It only took me two days to perfect the actual action of "Crossing the bridge" but the rest caused the video to take nearly a week. So feel free to post just the action and nothing more. Or you could even post just the action, and fill the rest of the video in at a later date.

So in conclusion, the new deadline is the 9th, with judging on the 10th.
And all of you have better get working on an entry....Or else! mini/devil

Re: The Animation Challenge

Pritchard Studios wrote:

OK....MrLego and 1011Ev, how long do you think it would take ya'll to finish your entries? And would a deadline of the 9th be long enough? Monkeys, go ahead and re-make yours. I understand that extending the deadline is unfair to you, so you're more than welcome to re-enter.

And folks, please remember that the challenge is nothing more or less than the action of swinging on a rope/vine thingie. Extra padding making it worthy of releases, while nice and usually very cool and/or funny, isn't necessary. While I would use it to help in case of a tie, the majority of the judging will be on the action itself. So for those that haven't started yet, you still have plenty of time to enter.

It only took me two days to perfect the actual action of "Crossing the bridge" but the rest caused the video to take nearly a week. So feel free to post just the action and nothing more. Or you could even post just the action, and fill the rest of the video in at a later date.

So in conclusion, the new deadline is the 9th, with judging on the 10th.
And all of you have better get working on an entry....Or else! mini/devil

Yes it most certainly is unfair to us as we stuck to the rules. We may or may not re-do it, probably not worth it at this point, but thank you anyway. @(^_^)@

Last edited by thefourmonkeys (November 6, 2012 (08:02am))

Re: The Animation Challenge

Actually thefourmonkeys could enter 4 eligible entries if they wanted, it's been done before so both of their entries will be eligible. I do guess it depends on the judge though. mini/tongue
Fine, I guess I can try to throw something together. Need to get my animation programs working though. lol

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: The Animation Challenge

Alright, thank you. I'll get my entry done soon. (Hopefully) mini/tongue

- PlainBrick
Formerly MrLegoProductions
Youtube - My Latest Video

Re: The Animation Challenge

Thanks for the extension, though I don't think I'll be able to enter

LEGOs, Soccer, Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream and other completely irrelevant things.
YouTube Flickr

Re: The Animation Challenge

Meh, I might just make an entry. Haven't animated for months.

Re: The Animation Challenge

I'm making an interactive adventure. Sorry if there a lot of flicker though mini/sad

Re: The Animation Challenge

Here it is mini/mrgreen

Re: The Animation Challenge

I wasn't planning on entering this...until 10:53 on the 9th.  I was filming some scenes for The Shrouded Past and needed a break from all the scripted stuff.  I made a quick thing but won't be able to upload it till tomorrow, oh well.  I don't think I'll add any sound besides voices and maybe music.  The swinging itself is pretty bad...if I didn't make in lest ham an hour with only in-shot effects (no masking) I'd never even release it.

I'm not asking for you to extend the deadline or anything, just that I will have a quick video for this tomorrow. 
Good luck to all the people that didn't wait until the last hour just to not be able to finish mini/lol

Re: The Animation Challenge

Ok, Pritchard, please be merciful and let me finish editing mine tomorrow. I am too up really late and I've been animating since 1AM or so. All my animation is done, just need to add voices and sounds. mini/dizzy
See ya in the morning. e_e

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: The Animation Challenge

I won't be judging for a few hours, so I'll let them in if, and only if, you get them up before then. mini/wink
BUT, remember that you can always add voices/sounds later, it's mostly the animation that I'll be looking at.

A great story, but bad swing WILL lose to a horrible story (Or even complete lack of story) and a great swing.
I can easily listen to some epic music and make cool noises with my mouth to cover up the silence, but I can't replace the video/animation itself.

Re: The Animation Challenge

Fine, since you put it that way Pritchard. :I
Here's my film, it's not that good at all either. :\

"Of The Pond Films"
*funny quote here*   Youtube | Steam | Facebook

Re: The Animation Challenge

Here: … ata_player
The voices and music would really make it better.

Re: The Animation Challenge

Results: place: Thefourmonkeys!
It was the only one to show the swing start-to-finish, and had the best animation. One improvement would have been having Chewbacca react more to the landing. Once his feet hit the platform, it seemed like all the momentum just vanished. The set was also really nice and expansive.
(I won't mention the fact that he was the only one to finish before the first deadline.) place: 1011Ev!
The build-up and later recovery after the swing were both good ideas, and the chain swinging back was well executed, but the animation itself was a little rough. The story was good, but it was prone to set bumps and other signs of a rushed production. place: Chiro!
The animation on the swinging action wasn't very realistic, and the whole thing was plagued by set bumps.

And now, since it was entered too late for the contest, but just before I finished typing this post: JonnDthunDer!
It's hilarious even without any sounds, the story is easily understood, and while the swinging went over like a lead balloon, (Literally!) it may have placed had it been finished earlier. The animation was fair, the throwing of the rope was great, and while it had a slow start, things picked up later on. Oh, and I think Robin's second face was made exclusively for that movie.

Good job everyone, and Monkeys, you're up for picking the theme again!

Last edited by Pritchard Studios (November 10, 2012 (12:30pm))

Re: The Animation Challenge

YES!  I get fourth out of four entries mini/tongue ...for waiting until last night to even decide I was going to enter.  I did all of that in about an hour then my mom made me go to bed. 
I might add some voices and possible music later today.
Great job everyone!