Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

The Trooper - Iron Maiden

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

American Pie - Don McLean
don't understand what this song is even about but I love it


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

LA Noire Soundtrack
Very lovely for a game soundtrack.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Le Bump

Perform This Way and TMZ by Weird Al.

Oh my God. Listen to these RIGHT NOW. Hilariousness.


what could have been: jeffrey and the old man make some robots
                      art page -- tumblr --youtube
              bricksinmotion's #13th best curmudgeon

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Red river valley. mini/smile

YouTube channel
N00bToob ebovv

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Mason wrote:

It's not an official song from The Beatles, but it's amazing. If you haven't seen it: watch it. If you have seen it: watch it again.

Oh god, how did I miss that? First time I see it, amazing.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Dies Irae
By Mozart, but the Immediate Music remix. OMG epic.

The Grid
LIke from Tron Legacy. I've had that stuck in my head for like EVER. Amazing song.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Before I Die + Hard Night Out + Monster - Professor Green

Why do I like this?!?!?!? mini/eek

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

F#$%ed Up - Queen of Hearts

Helluva good hardcore song.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

My Little Pony theme song.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Mudkipz - Mudkipz mini/lol
I want to disgust the entire universe - KinzCove

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Just listening to 'The Scientist' by Cold Play. Amazing song. I suggest everybody pops up YouTube right now and watches the video! It's incredibly clever.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

In The Sun - Joseph Arthur

If you haven't heard this song before, listen to it.

It's just awesome.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Tron Legacy soundtrack almost made my ears explode from the awesomeness.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Guns For Hire - AC/DC

Did I ever mention that I love AC/DC?


Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Invaders Must Die - The Prodigy

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

The Beatles - Yellow Submarine

YouTube channel
N00bToob ebovv

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Oh Hai (The Room Dubstep)
It's tearing me apart.

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Dubstep chilltime initiated.

Arion- Pokemon
Doctor P- Tetris (can't find a better link)
16bit- frzr9000
Shekel- Persian Mayhem
Blame- Star Feat. Camila Marie [Doctor P Remix]
Porter Robinson and Lazy Rich- Hello Feat. Sue Cho [Schoolboy Remix]

"I am Kansas" -Smeagol

Re: What Was the Last Song You Listened To?

Danimation wrote:

Oh Hai (The Room Dubstep)
It's tearing me apart.

Just listened to it. I normally really dont like dubstep (its just too loud, and all sounds similar for my taste. I'm not saying its bad - its just not my taste) but this is AWESOME!!

Max, She/Her