Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Ordered 4 off! mini/bigsmile

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

BuilderBrothers wrote:

Just got every single one! mini/bigsmile

Nice!  Which ones are your favorite?

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

All of them. mini/tongue

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I'm getting a whole bunch as a late Birthday present.
EDIT: Just recieved them. I got the Mime, the Pop Diva, the Traffic Cop, the Karate Master, the Weight Lifter, and the Lion Tamer.

Last edited by Golden (September 20, 2010 (02:03pm))

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Preliminary images have been popping up throughout the interwebs of the next minifigure series. Here, for example.

The Hula Dancer (female)
The Tennis Player (female)
The Sumo Wrestler (male)
The Baseball Player (male)
The Fisherman (male)
The Fantasy Elf (male)
The Tribal/Native American Chief (male)
The Samurai Warrior (male)
The Hip Hop Dancer (male)
The Alien Invader (?)
The Gorilla
The Ferrari Racer (male)
The Mummy (?)
The Aviator (male)
The Snowboarder (female)
The Cyborg (?)

Keep in mind that these are PRELIMINARY designs. They are likely to change and/or improve before the final release. So what are your thoughts?

I personally don't find this series as compelling, but they're still looking pretty good. Of course, without the secondary barcode, things will be a lot tougher.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

The gorilla is very meh,the others are okay.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I like the elf.....

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I like the Hula Girl.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Black market info, pay attention! THESE WILL NOT HAVE BARCODES! Repeat: THESE WILL NOT HAVE BARCODES! Thank you.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Aviator? Moustache? YES.

"[It] was the theme song for the movie 2010 first contact." ~ A YouTuber on Also Sprach Zarathustra
CGI LEGO! Updated occasionally...

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I know, something new for Jargn's avatar.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Sumo Wrestler looks good.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I'm not a fan of the Sumo Wrestler; it's so plain.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

better than the minifigures covered up in accessories like the Legolas.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

The only ones I want are the fisherman,baseball player, and hip hop dancer.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I can't see the images- could you post a link for them?

Brickfilmer a decade ago, now looking to relive the glory days mini/smile

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread … go_002.jpg … go_001.jpg

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Alien looks dumb, the head just doesn't have anything to do with the body. My favorite is the fisher.

Happy THACing mini/sunnies

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I would not be surprised if they ultimately went with a new head for the alien, considering it's just a rehash of Space Police figs.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

My full opinion on each minifigure:

1. Hula Lady: ...okay, a new revised Islander, but still okay.
2.Native American Chief: *sigh* not again, seriously, If I get this one, I will cry.
3. Samurai: Fairly good, makes sense seeing there was a ninja in series 1.
4. Aviator: Not much new, the head is a bit annoying to me, his mustache is too big.
5. Fisherman:Nice fish. And the beard will be useful.
6. Evil Space Dude1: A bit cheesy in my opinion, but he looks okay.
7. Snowboarder: decent, a bit boring, but okay.
8. Ferrari Driver: hair is cool, funny enough, last night I was hoping a hair piece like that could come out.
9. Dancer: I didn't know what this was and actually thought is was some 40 year old football coach.
10. Fantasy Elf: Looks like Lego is releasing it's last trace of Lego Castle. He's okay, but not on the top of my list.
11. Sumo: [sarcasm] hooray for obese Lego.[/sarcasm] head is okay, hair is great, legs are fine, trophy is so-so, torso is interesting, you either think its good, or vomit on your keyboard.
12. Evil Space Dude2: um, no.
13. Mummy: I would love to meet the brilliant man who came up with this wad of crap. there can't be a single useful piece on that figure.
14. Tennis lady: great hair, rest is okay.
15. Baseball player: he's okay, I hate his hat.
16. gorilla thing: I hope thats a prank.

Yes, I know these aren't official.

Last edited by RealBrick (September 21, 2010 (03:37am))