Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Ah, cool.

It has a real nice pattern.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

i got vampire x2, spartan x2, popstar , cop , mexican, ringmaster... and im getting more soon mini/bigsmile

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

And just in case you missed it, you can download the barcodes for both series here (Europe only).

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Series three won't have barcodes... mini/blankexpression

Used to be 'Caidence'

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

You know, before I didn't really pay attention to these, but now that I look at them, man they are AWESOME, and I'm tempted to get one especially the mime!

Brickfilmer a decade ago, now looking to relive the glory days mini/smile

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

TBDude wrote:

Series three won't have barcodes... mini/blankexpression

It's nice to provide a source for your claims.
It looks like series 3 has a few 'sequels' to minifigs from series 1 and 2. I guess we'll have to do some packet squeezing.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Well, I picked up the set this morning.
If you have an Android phone, download the "Minifig Collector" app. It was invaluable, to say the least.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Oh lucky you. I have to do it the old fashioned way of 'look at barcode > match? > N > repeat'

Protip: Twitpic is a bad image host - the image URL changes periodically.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I've never had a single problem with ImageShack, maybe he should use that?

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Red Laser for iPhone can help too!

Used to be 'Caidence'

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Hazzat, I had to do that for the first series. And for all the work I put into that vs. the lack of payoff, I think I deserved a little bit of luck on this one! mini/tongue

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I went out today and got The Skier(Series 2) and The Nurse(Series 1).

My brother got The Clown(Series 1) and The Cop(Series 2).

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I found them at Wal-Mart, and I'm going into town later today to get them. Pics coming soon...

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I'm bidding for a nurse on Ebay

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Same here. I'm hoping for a young Guatemalan woman to care for me in my old age.

Last edited by Jargon (September 2, 2010 (11:02am))

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Oh, man, that's a bummer, that series three won't have barcodes anymore. Some of those sound like good ideas for minfigs, indeed. I'm curious what they'll do with the fisherman, what the male singer will look like. The baseball player sounds cool as he'll have a baseball bat!
Hawaii girl might be cool. Native American Chief is a serious bummer. I do not want more Indian characters. I have enough from the old Western line (pretty stupid that I have indians from that line, but no Cowboys, who were infinitely cooler), and I don't think I've ever found use of them. The indian from series one was pretty lame, as well, so I'm glad those had bar codes so I couldn't accidentally get it.
More aliens? That's always nice, it might be a really cool alien. I'm guessing it'll be a throwback to the awesome UFO alien sets from the 90's. I hope. Those were great.
Doctor/Surgeon sounds like a great idea as well, which would be great to go with the nurse from S1. I could see some awesome films set in hospitals coming from that. You might need a bunch of them to make it work as a uniform.
Also: gorilla?! Whu! Wha! Wow! That might be hit, that might be a miss.
Snowboarder, again, doesn't do much for me, but "mummy" might be cool. A lot of "might" here, but the Studios Mummy was great. Might be the undead version of the pharaoh from S2. We're getting a figure called "sumo wrestler" or "KARATE GUY" as well. I think KG should be happy. However, I hope they do something good with it, something original. They did well on the wrestler and the kung fu actor, so my hopes are up. Female dancer, another one that just might have some good new parts for making figs... and then there's Samurai, to go with Ninja, obviously. Ninja, the most overrated of all the minifigs in the series. Not that cool.

... Elf? What the...?

Here's the list from Brickipedia again;
    *  Fisher [1] (With a fish, of course)
    * Ferrari Driver [1]
    * Mummy [1]
    * Sumo Wrestler/Karate Guy [1] (according to eurobricks, also has a trophy)
    * Female Dancer [1]
    * Samurai [1]
    * Hawaii Girl [1] (skirt print and two rattles)
    * Baseball Player [1]
    * Elf [1] (Orlando Bloom, apparently? Bow & buckler)
    * Native American Chief [1]
    * Alien [1]
    * Male Singer [1]
    * Doctor/Surgeon [1]
    * Gorilla [1]
    * Snowboarder [1]
    * TBA [1]

In other news, I'll be heading into town to pick up some of the other cool minifigs that I don't have yet (certainly the caveman and the mime, that's for sure)

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

True to my word:

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

Damn you people!! How can you justify spending that much on minifigures? I get to the shop and don't want to spend enough for two, let alone 10!! mini/XD

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I don't justify it; I buy two in one shop, then go to another shop and buy another two, etc. mini/tongue

I'm back. Possibly.

Re: LEGO Collectable Minifigures Discussion Thread

I'm going to the store to buy some today.