Set in the post-apocaliptic world sourced from the movie "Stalker" by Andrej Tarkovskij and the novel "roadside picnic" by the Strugackij brothers, Stalker: Mirror of Conscience follows an outlaw and a supposed philantropist on their journey through the Zone, a restricted area where strange, deadly anomalies can occur, toward a mirror capable of showing the inner look of a man's soul.
After more than a year of work, I am glad to be able to finally release this project of mine, that though not perfect, I consider my best work for now. If you stay until after-credits, you might be surprised.
When I started working on the project, the initial concept was really close to th movie by tarkovskij, even featuring a really similar object of desire. It was a night, when I was in front of a mirror that the idea of having a special mirror came around my mind. When I was younger, and even now sometimes, I get frightened by mirrors because I imagine that I could see my mirror image transforming in something scary. From this came the basic concept of Stalker:Mirror of Conscience. An interesting question that the movie brings up might be: are we truly what we think of ourselves?
Note: the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. videogame series is not a basis for this movie, though this movie is based on the same inspirational sources of the game. Therefore the zone as depicted in the movie has no particular geographical location.