9 years have passed since I released a lego animated movie. This is the first episode of Lego TMNT Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Series where I have big plans for.
Lego TMNT will be in general darker then the TMNT 1987 cartoons, less colorful then tmnt 2003 and more like the Nick Turtles 2012 story driven. I really like how the nickelodeon series have developed the characters, something I'm aiming for as well.
I'm planning to finish the first season with 8 or 10 episodes.
Lego Turtles will return in Episode 2 The Face of Shredder. I hope to release this second Lego Tmnt video early November 2013. For the second and upcoming Ninja Turtles episodes I'm looking for voice actors, so if you feel you can contribute please to contact me.
If you like my Stop Motion Lego TMNT video please put a like or leave a comment, thank you for watching.