This is the third installment in the Death Star Trilogy. This time Tarkin comes to visit, and brings with him a number of concerns about the engineering of the Death Star. This is was my first film made with a digital camera instead of a webcam, so the picture quality is substantially better than the other two parts.
Star Wars: An Ill-Made Weapon
Zach Macias:
Ill-Made Weapon is by far the strongest entry in the Death Star trilogy. Nearly every aspect of this film seems polished and improved in some way: the animation is more fluid, the colors and cinematography is more interesting (though Smeagol may have gone a bit trigger-happy with the camera panning), the special effects have have been upgraded, and even the already-great voice acting and Darth Vader vocal effects sound better. The humor, unlike the previous two films that required certain knowledge of the Star Wars films, is much more accessible to those who don't know the films, and there are plenty of comedic moments throughout the film. It helps to have seen the other two films in order to properly appreciate this one, but this entry validates the whole series in a way that any final act can hope to do. A fantastic send-off to a very entertaining series.