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Overall: 7
Story: 5
Animation: 8
Cinematography: 8
Effects: 8
Sound: 7

Darren Hayman

Directed By: 0ldScratch

Genre: Drama
Length: 03:07
Released: January 31st, 2011

Director's Comments

Darren Hayman wrote, recorded and released a new song every day in January 2011. This was the 31st, and this is the video I made for it.

I got in touch with Darren midway through January and we agreed that I'd be doing the last video, that it would by 90bpm and that it would feature trains. That's all I had.

I started work on the animation about a week before the song was written and heard the finished version for the first time at 1pm on the 31st. The video was cut, edited and lip synched a little before midnight. Hence it's a little rough in places.

Staff Review

Though this is definitely not OldScratch's best work (as he himself admits in the description), it still showcases his trademark style of mouth-animation and polished visuals.  The props are very well-made and help add to the overall atmosphere of the film.  The song itself, though not very memorable, is still enjoyable and soothing.  Though you may not feel like re-watching this film many times, it is still a worthwhile way to spend three and a half minutes.

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