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Staff Favorite

Overall: 7
Story: 7
Animation: 9
Cinematography: 9
Effects: 6
Sound: 10
Music: 9

Mirrored Perspective

Directed By: Zach Macias

Genre: Fantasy, Drama
Length: 04:19
Released: December 15th, 2006

Director's Comments

I worked on this film on-and-off over the course of a couple of months. The idea for this film was partially inspired by Plato's Allegory of the Cave, a concept I studied in Literature class as a sophomore in high school.

Original music created by Joseph "The Duke" Frank.

Nominated for 4 BAMPA Awards in 2007, including Best Film, Best Cinematography, Best Sound Design, and Best Score.

Staff Review

David Frank:
There is something very compelling about "Mirrored Perspective". The idea behind this film is fairly simple, but yet it is delivered so well that you are literally spellbound as you are watching it, and will most likely remain so until after the credits have rolled. The technical aspects are spot on, but the areas that stand out are the cinematography and music. Both of these are so well done that I can't imagine the movie without them. MindGame Studios has done a phenomenal job in creating this film, and Mirrored Perspective's BAMPA nominations are well deserved.

So go ahead, if you haven't seen it already, watch it. And if you have seen it before, download it. It's worth it. Enjoy.

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