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Rotary "Wars"

Directed By: jonni peppers

Genre: Comedy, Parody, Sci-fi
Length: 02:46
Released: September 3rd, 2010

Director's Comments

This was made for my Grandpa's rotary club. It'll be shown at the Torrance Rotary Club 5280 on September 8th.

I understand this isn't my best. It wasn't supposed to be. :P

My grandpa asked me to do this, so he could make fun of his leader guy's Star Trek video. :P The Star Trek video can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IS4lqFu2nKg&feature=related

Special thanks to my voice actors who got the lines to me on such a short notice. (Apologies to my voice actors for the pitch shifting. :P)

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