Jedi learner Ar-Ren Tern struggles with his spirituality as he finds himself in the middle of historic Star Wars events. With the help of others, he wrestles with God and battles new evils, forever changing the destiny of that galaxy far, far away.
The lightsabers in this chapter were a pain to do in post. By this point I was applying the effects directly in FCP X, which helped a lot. But this became problematic as soon as a lightsaber had to move partially behind other objects. FCP X did not yet have a draw mask function where I could use as many vertices as I needed for a single mask. Instead, I had to use the same rectangle mask effect over and over on each unique lightsaber frame. I recall this being worst when Kit Fisto knights Ar-Ren.
This was also the final time I used (and will ever use) a pink screen for chroma key. Even with FCP X's improved chroma key, the pink wasn't removed well enough. I should have used a blue screen for that scene instead. Lesson learned.