Topic: [SHAC] Halfway There
[SHAC] Halfway There
It's been a while.
My entry to the Seventy-Two Hour Animation Contest hosted on Bricks in Motion.
Last edited by BertL (March 5, 2018 (10:01am))
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[SHAC] Halfway There
It's been a while.
My entry to the Seventy-Two Hour Animation Contest hosted on Bricks in Motion.
Last edited by BertL (March 5, 2018 (10:01am))
Really nice! The voices for this were great!
I loved that screen effect before the fight! And the ambiant sounds are just top notch.
I can hardly believe I have witnessed a new BertL film. I love the voice acting.
nice this was really cool
Aw thanks you guys! I was really lucky to have my friend Pulkesh available to voice act - he's really good at it in my opinion.
The "screen effect" was actually kind of a lucky coincidence - I ran out of time and had to look for a way to animate REALLY fast without it being too noticeable. It just kind of worked out together with the katana and the gong as a stylized samurai anime thing.
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