Topic: The Perks of Being the Citizen of the Year [TCOTY contest entry]

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The Perks of Being the Citizen of the Year [TCOTY Contest Entry]


Here's my contribution to the Citizen of the Year Lives! contest.

Ever wonder about the perks of being the Citizen of the Year?

Last edited by AlNickelsFilms (November 4, 2015 (01:56pm))

TCOTY Entry: The Perks of Being TCOTY
ToY Entry: Secrets of the Lost Tomb
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Re: The Perks of Being the Citizen of the Year [TCOTY contest entry]

I laughed really hard at Balser's end dialogue, after it kicked in just how ridiculous it was. The matter-of-fact delivery was great. I liked all the voices, especially the waiter.

Re: The Perks of Being the Citizen of the Year [TCOTY contest entry]

Great job Nick!  I hope Balser washed his hands before working at the soup kitchen!