Topic: Trick or Treat Surprise

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Trick or Treat Surprise


Some kids go trick or treating.
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Re: Trick or Treat Surprise

I liked it- but at some parts, i didn't. When the music first came on and the camera was on the door, i was like, "this is going to be a complete copy of fancyPant's 'A clone Halloween'". the music actually did sound like thriller at first. then when the head appeared in the window, i thought that again. then came the voice acting. In my opinion, it was kind of lame (for the trick-or-treaters). It was just that they all had the same tone and when they screamed, it wasn't actually screaming. it was like whispering screaming. I didn't see any light flicker, and the animation was good. Then came the end. Hilarious! I had no idea to see that happen. so to wrap it all up, it was a fairly good video. *7/10 stars*